Displaying 1 - 20 of 2210

From generation to generation

The mountaintop is a holy place. The valleys below are distant, and the weight of daily life feels momentarily lifted. In scripture, its where humanity and the divine meet: Moses conversed with God amidst fire and cloud on Sinai; Elijah heard the still small voice on Horeb; Jesus transfigured in the presence of his disciples, his face shining like the sun. 

WCC mourns the passing of Bishop Flavio Irala

In a letter to the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil and the National Council of Christian Churches, World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay shared condolences on the passing of Bishop Flavio Augusto Borges Irala on 9 January. 

Stewards programme 2025

14 - 26 June 2025

The World Council of Churches (WCC) invites young people from across the globe to apply for the 2025 Stewards Programme, scheduled to take place from 14-26 June 2025. This exciting programme offers a unique opportunity for youth ages 18-30 to engage with the global ecumenical movement and actively contribute to the work of the WCC. The deadline for applications is 30 November 2024.

Johannesburg, South Africa

Pilgrimage to knowledge: visit to Egypt builds bridges

During a recent visit to Egypt with the aim of exploring both its interreligious and intercultural history, Prof. Angeliki Ziaka, World Council of Churches programme executive for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation, said that her visit to Cairo served as a gateway to deeper exploration of the city's rich heritage and the search for lasting bridges, enriched by Egypt's unique cultural and spiritual richness.