With a particular focus this year on providing space for the inclusion of youth, women, and leaders of migrant and megachurches, the Global Christian Forum serves to bring together Christians from all major streams of world Christianity for ecumenical encounter, prayer and faith sharing, all ultimately to contribute to the vision of visible Christian unity.
“As we gather as the 4th Global Gathering of the Global Christian Forum under the inspiring theme ‘That the World May Know (John 17:23b),’ we are reminded of the profound significance of our shared commitment to Christian unity and cooperation,” Pillay reflected in his message, noting that the Global Christian Forum is also marking its 25th anniversary this year.

16 April 2024, Accra, Ghana: World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay speaks as the fourth global gathering of the Global Christian Forum takes place in Accra, Ghana from 16-19 April 2024 under the theme "That the World May Know" (John 17:23).
“As we recall the appearances of the resurrected Christ, we are confident that He is continuously with us—loving, forgiving, feeding, healing, and empowering us to becoming his visible signs of peace and reconciliation. As Christians, we carry this great calling with humbleness and responsibility, working for and encouraging a sustained dialogue for peace while building bridges of reconciliation between people and churches. It is our shared vocation to participate in the prophetic mission of Christ proclaiming the kingdom of God, which is made visible by the testimony of our lives and in our work for justice and reconciliation,” Pillay said.
Christians “from a hundred different places” gathered in one space
Global Christian Forum secretary Rev. Dr Casely Essamuah rejoiced as he welcomed the diverse group of participants to Ghana, noting that “we come from a hundred different places, and we come here first to listen, so that we can discover Christ in one another, and one another in Christ.”

16 April 2024, Accra, Ghana: Opening prayer is observed in the Accra Ridge Church, as the fourth global gathering of the Global Christian Forum takes place in Accra, Ghana from 16-19 April 2024 under the theme "That the World May Know" (John 17:23).
In the opening prayer’s sermon at Accra Ridge Church, the 200+ participants heard Rt. Rev. Lydia Neshangwe, president of the All Africa Conference of Churches, reflect on the importance of engaging in work together with people not always similar to ourselves.
“This is the witness that the world needs,” she observed. “For people who are different, who may even seem incompatible at first, to work together, not because it is easy, but precisely so that the world may know,” she reflected, echoing the theme for the gathering.

16 April 2024, Accra, Ghana: Rt. Rev. Lydia Neshangwe preaches during opening prayer observed in the Accra Ridge Church, as the fourth global gathering of the Global Christian Forum takes place in Accra, Ghana from 16-19 April 2024 under the theme "That the World May Know" (John 17:23).
Over the course of this week, participants will now explore through a set of daily themes what it means for the world’s Christians today to be ‘ONE in God,’ to be ‘BROKEN in humanity,’ to be ‘HEALED through Christ,’ and to be ‘SENT by God.’
For young WCC central committee member Maria Lubat of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, this is the first experience of the Global Christian Forum as a space for ecumenical encounter.
“I expect that this will be a formative experience for us newcomers,” Lubat reflected. “My hope is that we can get an opportunity to truly get to know each other, and to reach common ground towards unity,” she said.
The WCC is present at the gathering through 15 delegates and staff, including the general secretary himself, WCC central committee vice-moderator Rev. Merlyn Hyde-Riley and WCC Africa president Rev. Dr Rufus Okikiola Ositelu, as well as a wide range of other representatives from WCC member churches and partners.
WCC greetings to the 4th Global Gathering of the Global Christian Forum in Accra, Ghana
Photos from Global Christian Forum 2024
Learn more: Fourth Global Gathering: “That the World May Know”