
Specialized Ministries Pre-Assembly

The pre-assembly with the leadership of specialized ministries is the opportunity to articulate a common response to the most pressing issues of our time and to propose common action as we move together toward the WCC assembly in Karlsruhe.

specialized ministries pre-assembly

Together we are on our way to the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany, under the theme “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity”. The assembly comes at a time when the world seems more divided than ever by increasing disparities, racism, populism and violence.

At the WCC 10th Assembly in 2013, the ecumenical fellowship embarked on a pilgrimage of justice and peace. Central to this journey is a common understanding that “diakonia, as the church’s ministry of sharing, healing and reconciliation, is of the very nature of the church ... it demands of individuals and churches a giving which comes not out of what they have, but what they are” (WCC 6th Assembly).

This online pre-assembly, hosted in collaboration with ACT Alliance, comes soon after the ACT General Assembly in 2021 and builds on some of its outcomes related to the climate crisis, power relations, discrimination, racism, fundamentalism and democracy.

Attendance of this event is by invitation only.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

15:00 - 15:30 (CET)

Opening session

Welcome, prayer, review of agenda and introductions.

15:30 - 16:15

What’s At Stake

The acting WCC general secretary, Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, and the ACT general secretary, Mr Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, will share their views on what is at stake for the world and why the pre-assembly and WCC 11th Assembly are so timely.

16:15 - 16:25


16:25 - 17:15

Discussion sessions

Participants will join one of three discussion groups:

No 1

Overcoming racism, discrimination and xenophobia

Racism, xenophobia and discrimination have structured society to benefit those in power at the cost of those who do not have any. The realities they create are incompatible with the Christian faith. The murder of George Floyd in 2020 sparked a renewed ecumenical commitment to promoting an anti-racist Christian faith by unpacking the intersectionalities of racism and xenophobia with politics, economics, ethnicity, environmentalism, health and religion. To what extent is the ecumenical movement willing to go to overcome racism, discrimination and xenophobia?

No 2

Promoting democracy in a time populism and broken public spaces

In many parts of the globe, increasing racism, discrimination and xenophobia has deepened social and economic divisions and are accompanied by a rise in politics best described as nationalistic populism. As trust declines in social institutions of all kinds, with spiralling misinformation fuelled by social media that has little or no constraints, democracy and democratic participation is threatened. In the context of polarized and even broken public spaces, how can the ecumenical movement witness to the common good and promote democratic political and civic participation?

No 3

Responding to the impact of the climate crisis

The climate crisis threatens all of creation and the whole human family. Yet responding to the crisis is impeded by how unequally its impacts are felt among different locations, how inequitably the resources fueling the crisis are shared, and how divisive the issue of climate change has become in many national political discourses. Can the ecumenical movement strengthen our sense of fellowship across these divides and thereby increase our ability to respond to the climate crisis in an equitable and socially inclusive manner?

17:17 - 17:30

Wrap Up and Closing Prayer


Thursday, 10 March 2022

15:00 - 15:10 (CET)

Welcome and Prayer

15:10 - 16:30

Our proposed response

WCC deputy general secretary, Prof. Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri, will moderate feedback from the groups and discussion on the draft pre- assembly message.

16:40 - 17:00

Specialised Ministries at the WCC 11th Assembly

A review of how specialized ministries are involved in the WCC 11th Assembly – from business to Brunnen, ecumenical conversations to prayer and spiritual life.

17:00 - 17:20

Final Review of Pre-Assembly Message

17:20 - 17:30

Wrap Up and Closing Prayer