United States of America

Christianity came to the US with the European settlers as of the 16th century. All the major traditions and denominations are present. The Great Awakenings of the 19th century have played a major role in the emergence of the Evangelical, Holiness, Pentecostal and Charismatic movements and their extension in the world. The African American churches were at the heart of the Civil Rights movement in the 1950-60s which brought an end to racial segregation. New forms of church, e.g. megachurches, non-denominational churches, have originated in the US and spread to other countries. The Roman Catholic Church is the single largest church. Baptists make up 33 percent of the Protestants and independents, Pentecostals 18 percent, and non-denominational Evangelicals and Charismatics 12 percent. Almost all the Orthodox patriarchates have archdioceses or dioceses in the US and are integrated in the society. The National Council of Churches is the ecumenical body, and the National Association of Evangelicals is affiliated with the World Evangelical Alliance.

Note: The list of churches present in countries/territories is still in development.