Besides visiting the Ecumenical Office to the United Nations, WCC and ACT Alliance focal point for advocacy initiatives at the UN headquarters, the agenda included meetings with UN officers, ecumenical partners, and diplomatic bodies.
Bedford-Strohm reflected that the talks in New York have shown the important role that churches and religious communities can play in a global civil society. “Churches and religious communities reach not only minds but also hearts,” he said. “This is highly relevant for challenges like the necessary global ecological transformation to fight climate change or the effort to open doors for peace and reconciliation in violent conflicts.”
He added: "The rootedness in local communities all over the world and the universal horizon of our common faith is a unique gift that we can offer in our public engagement.”
Bedford-Strohm met with Virginia Gamba, special representative of the secretary general of the United Nations for Children and Armed Conflict.
“The role the WCC is playing in the peace process in Colombia was highly appreciated, and especially important for the children as the most vulnerable members of the community,” said Bedford-Strohm. “The exchange with different church representatives to the UN has confirmed the value of such partnership between churches and the UN.”
The first day included a visit to the Cuban Permanent Mission to the UN and a conversation with Jewish representatives.
On the following day, Bedford-Strohm and Aykazian attended a lunch meeting with ecumenical partners from ACT Alliance, Caritas Internationalis, the Lutheran World Federation, the Episcopal Church, Greek Orthodox Church, and United Women in Faith.
The program ended with a meeting with a representative from the office of the permanent observer of the Holy See to the UN.
Learn more about the work of the Ecumenical Office to the United Nations