
Youth in Asia Training for Religious Amity

Applications are now open for YATRA (Youth in Asia Training for Religious Amity), an interreligious training programme launched by the World Council of Churches (WCC) in 2014 following its 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea.

Photo: Carrie Grace Littauer/WCC

Photo: Carrie Grace Littauer/WCC

Applications are now open for YATRA (Youth in Asia Training for Religious Amity), an  interreligious training programme launched by the World Council of Churches (WCC) in 2014 following its 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea.  The choice of name for the programme is intended to reflect the idea of a pilgrimage of justice and peace. YATRA is a common term for the word "pilgrimage" in many Indo-Asian religions and languages. The YATRA programme is an intensive training course to equip young Christians from Asia, between the ages of 20 to 35, to build up communities of harmony and hope from an interreligious perspective.

YATRA 2019 is a cross programmatic venture between WCC’s programme on Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation and the programme of Youth Engagement in the Ecumenical Movement.

The main organising partners of YATRA 2019 will be WCC, the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and the Council for World Mission (CWM).

YATRA 2019 will focus on the  theme “Stewards of Hope, Seekers of Harmony”. It will offer an opportunity to rethink in a creative and critical manner what it means to bear an account of the hope that is within us in a multi-religious world, as we seek to love God and live harmoniously with our neighbours.

In 2019 the residential period will take place from 18-29 September in the Republic of Korea.

The residential phase is preceded by a four-week-online learning course from 19 August - 14 September 2019. The combination of online and experience-based learning enables participants to be academically sound and practically grounded, and  fosters a holistic learning environment. Deadline for applications is 15 April 2019.

Application form for YATRA 2019

Send your applications to [email protected]

Link to online flyer

Video - WCC's Youth in Asia Training for Religious Amity

Youth in the ecumenical movement