Strengthening relationships: Through our bilateral and multilateral dialogues, we seek to strengthen relationships with neighbours of other faiths, recognizing that we are “no longer strangers… but members of the household of God” (Eph. 2:19-22) in our multi-religious world. We have ongoing dialogues with Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs.
Deepening reflection: We seek to stimulate reflection on the many questions about the theology and practice of interreligious dialogue through our interreligious conferences. We strive to resource and accompany member churches through capacity-building seminars and the production of cutting-edge theological material, including our journal Current Dialogue. In recent years our conferences and publications have focused on such themes as Christian witness in a multi-religious world; Christian self-understanding; education for peace; religion and violence; multiple religious belonging; and interreligious theology of liberation.
Widening engagement: Seeking to “walk the talk” of justice and peace, we constantly strive to widen the scope of our engagement in areas of advocacy and peace-building. Recent engagement has encompassed the areas of statelessness, migration, climate change, and just transitions in partnership with key international and interfaith partners.