Christian Council of Sweden
Founded in 1993 (forerunner: the Swedish Ecumenical Council, founded in 1932).
The Christian Council of Sweden (CCS) consists of 26 member churches that are divided into four church families. The Council links together the ministries and activities of the member churches by arranging forums for exchange of ideas, creating networks, giving communication service, providing support for developing ecumenism and coordinating joint activities.
The churches have identified two main areas for working together within the Christian Council of Sweden:
- Ecumenical Theology: making it easier for churches to get together for theological reflection on various issues, for example, ecclesiology, mission, theology of religion, spirituality, baptism and aspects concerning the holding of church services. This takes place in the form of various working groups and networks as well as producing a number of publications.
- Ecumenical Diaconia/Church and society: working with issues that deal with how mankind is perceived and highlight terms such as peace and justice so that churches can identify their own priorities for the issues they will focus on in their local communities. This area also deals with how various people are linked together within their communities, counseling in various institutions, diaconal (social) work, migration and ethics.
Within these two main areas are both long-term programmes with their own staff and short-term projects operating for a specific period of time.