The publication invites readers into a world in which we become pilgrims together.
“As we look back over 2023, I wish to celebrate the steps we took toward a world that is more just, reconciled, and unified—but also to reflect on the grave challenges still facing us and, most of all, why hope is always warranted,” writes WCC general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay in the foreword.
“The journey of the WCC in 2023 involved many international visits that built bridges, fostered dialogue and created safe spaces in which we can disagree with love, friendship, and civility and keep unity still intact.”
The WCC Annual Review includes a special visual section that commemorates the WCC’s 75th anniversary and highlights an unprecedented number of exhibitions that graced the Ecumenical Centre.
“The year 2023 was one of new beginnings: the WCC central committee met in person for the first time since the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe in September 2022, the WCC commissions newly convened, and we began implementing the WCC Strategic Plan for 2023- 2030 in earnest,” Pillay writes.
Translations of the WCC Annual Review 2023 in Spanish, French, and German will be available by the end of May. Print copies will be available in June.