Reformierte Kirche Christi für die Nationen
Reformed Church of Christ for Nations (previously - Reformed Church of Christ in Nigeria) grew out of the missionary work of the Christian Reformed Church in North America through the Sudan United Mission. The church became autonomous in 1973 (self-governing, self-supporting, self-propagating) with the name Ekklesia Kristi A Nigeria. By 1979 the church was formally registered with the federal government of Nigeria. In 1993 the synod resolved that the name be changed to Reformed Church of Christ in Nigeria, to truly reflect her national identity, vision, Christian belief, doctrine and Reformed persuasion and tradition. The RCCN accepts the Bible as the authoritative word of God, confesses Jesus Christ as God and Saviour and believes in the sovereignty and grace of the triune God. It puts much emphasis on a holistic proclamation of the gospel and the formation of its members.
The RCCN has grouped its activities and programmes under 1) community development ministry (CDM), taking care of community projects, health and literacy; 2) evangelism, discipleship and misson (EDM); 3) Christian education development (CED), which takes care of schools; the Bible school falls also under this programme; and 4) national resources development (NRD) which oversees the mobilization and utilization of resources. Each of the four has a board.
The RCCN trains its pastors in the Bible school called Veeastral Bible College and Seminary Lupwe. In addition some of the pastors study at the Theological College of North Nigeria, a Reformed theological seminary. The church operates a three tier system of government namely: local church council, district church council and synod. The synod meets twice a year. The RCCN has its offices in a remote part of the country which makes communication difficult and slow.