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Latest issue of International Review of Mission focuses on “reconciliation as a missional task”

The latest issue of the World Council of Churches’ journal International Review of Mission deals with one of the most urgent issues in the world today – reconciliation.

Under the title, “Reconciliation as a Missional Task,” the issue explores the meaning of reconciliation, how it can be understood theologically, and what its missiological dimensions mean for the church’s missional task.

Rev. Dr Hans-Ruedi Weber dies at 97

During his long career, Weber, who passed away on 18 October, made the Bible come alive for thousands of people through Bible studies that he coordinated with groups from many different cultures, contexts and situations.

Wie wird der Aufruf von Arusha die Welt verändern?

Der Aufruf von Arusha zur Nachfolge ist gleichzeitig belebend, verwandelnd und herausfordernd und bereitet einigen Menschen sogar Unbehagen – das sagten Vertreter/innen der Kommission für Weltmission und Evangelisation (CWME) des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) auf einer Pressekonferenz anlässlich einer Buchveröffentlichung in Helsinki (Finnland) am 20. Mai.

Latest issue of Ecumenical Review focuses on Freedom, Love and Justice

The latest issue of The Ecumenical Review, the quarterly journal of the World Council of Churches, opens with an article by WCC general secretary the Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, “Freedom, Love and Justice,” reflecting on the theme for the WCC's 11th Assembly in 2021, “Christ's love moves the world to reconciliation and unity.”

New issue: International Review of Mission

The latest issue of the International Review of Mission, the biannual journal of the WCC contains a selection of articles which were on the one hand given as key lectures at the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism in Arusha from 8-13 March 2018 and on the other hand articles from Missiologists from all over the world, including Catholic, Pentecostal, Protestant and Orthodox voices, asking about “Mission quo vadis after Arusha?”.