Displaying 121 - 140 of 293

New days, new ways for mission and evangelism

A wealth of substantive engagements with and responses to contemporary trends in the theology and practice of mission and evangelism are featured in the newest issue of International Review of Mission.

Assembly renews churches’ commitment towards justice and peace

The WCC 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea, concluded on 8 November, acting to inspire churches to renew their commitments to justice and peace. Through varied encounters and dialogue within the fellowship of churches, the Assembly has made concrete decisions and recommendations setting priorities for the future work of the WCC.

Mission: a call to life-giving witness

Today the WCC10th Assembly featured a mission plenary. The plenary session presented an action-oriented reflection based on the new WCC mission statement: Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes. The plenary sought to highlight the common challenges and opportunities for mission in the current global context.

Paul Isaak appointed as director of elections in Namibia

A long time academic and professor of missiology at the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey, Dr Paul J. Isaak has been appointed as director of elections by President Hifikepunye Pohamba in Namibia. Isaak commenced his new position at the Electoral Commission of Namibia in September.

Condolences over the death of Prakai Nontawasee

The WCC general secretary has expressed “great sadness” over the death of Rev. Dr Prakai Nontawasee, former member of the WCC Central Committee and the Commission on Faith and Order in the 1970s and 1980s.

Summary of the Ninth Report

This document offers a summary of the Ninth report from the Joint Working Group between the Roman Catholic Church and the WCC, which relates the focus and work of the group from 2007 through 2012. As the group approaches its fiftieth year, its recent foci include in-depth work on the notion of ecclesial reception of ecumenical work, the spiritual roots of ecumenism, church participation of youth, and emerging work on migration.

Joint Working Group

New milestone charted by International Review of Mission

International Review of Mission (IRM), the journal of the World Council of Churches (WCC) which celebrated its centenary this past year, focuses on one of the most recent ecumenical affirmations of Christian mission in its November 2012 edition. The title of the issue is “New Milestone in Mission.”

Mission with humility, justice and inclusivity

In a world where understanding of Christian mission is changing rapidly, Bishop Geevarghese Mor Coorilos, moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) explains what new visions the WCC mission statement will bring to the churches.

Gemeinsam für das Leben: Mission und Evangelisation in sich wandelnden Kontexten

Die Kommission für Weltmission und Evangelisation (CWME) hat seit der Vollversammlung des ÖRK 2006 in Porto Alegre an einer neuen ökumenischen Missionserklärung gearbeitet. Die neue Erklärung wird der 10. ÖRK-Vollversammlung 2013 in Busan (Korea) vorgelegt werden. Seit dem Zusammenschluss des Internationalen Missionsrats (IMR) und des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) 1961 in Neu-Delhi hat es nur eine offizielle Grundsatzerklärung des ÖRK zu Mission und Evangelisation gegeben, die vom Zentralausschuss 1982 unter der Überschrift „Mission und Evangelisation – eine ökumenische Erklärung“ angenommen wurde. Diese neue Missionserklärung wurde vom ÖRK-Zentralausschuss auf seiner Tagung in Kreta, Griechenland, am 5. September 2012 einstimmig angenommen. Ziel der vorliegenden ökumenischen Studie und Reflexion ist es, eine Vision, Konzepte und Wegweisungen für ein neues Verständnis und eine erneuerte Praxis der Mission und Evangelisation in sich verändernden Kontexten zu entfalten. Sie strebt eine Wirkung über den Kreis der ÖRK-Mitgliedskirchen und angegliederter Missionsorgansationen hinaus an, so dass wir uns, geleitet vom Gott des Lebens, gemeinsam dafür einsetzen können, dass alle Menschen an der Fülle des Lebens Anteil haben!

Commission on World Mission and Evangelism

Churches ask Philippine government to improve human rights record

In a public hearing at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, church activists from the Philippines criticized the Aquino government for not being able to improve the situation regarding human rights violations, citing an increased number of victims of extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances, as well as evictions in the country. Â

Christians in India call for a respectful approach to mission

“Christians are to acknowledge that changing one’s religion is a decisive step that must be accompanied by sufficient time for reflection and preparation, through a process ensuring full personal freedom.” This assertion is one of the guiding principles for Christian mission in India suggested in early March by a consultation convened under the leadership of the Board of Theological Education of the Senate of Serampore University (BTESSC).

Hundredth anniversary of journal celebrated in Geneva

The International Review of Mission marked a century of work in mission studies with a public celebration, held 9 December at the Philip Potter Library of the World Council of Churches (WCC) , centred on its centenary issue, just released.