Together towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes

Together towards Life

Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes - with a Practical Guide
Edited by:
Rev. Dr Jooseop Keum

An excellent tool for Christians everywhere to think freshly about Christian mission, "Together towards Life" presents the new ecumenical mission affirmation, the first in a generation, in full, along with a complete guide and a host of other study materials.

Specs: 96 pp.; 5 x 8”; paper; perfect; 4-colour cover; includes DVD

Topic: Mission / Evangelism

ISBN: 978-2-8254-1624-2

Price: CHF 20.00;
£12.00; €12.00; $20.00; Spring 2014

Click here to download the table of contents, introduction and chapter 1 (pdf) and download the full publication below.


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Mission from the margins

An excellent tool for Christians everywhere to think freshly about Christian mission, Together towards Life presents the new ecumenical mission affirmation, the first in a generation, in full, along with a complete guide and a host of other study materials.

Rooted deeply in Christian trinitarian theology, the mission affirmation proposes a true paradigm shift in Christian understanding of mission and evangelism. It incorporates signal insights about the rapidly changing contemporary context, the relevance of marginalized peoples to mission, and the larger purposes of mission and evangelism in God’s own mission of love to the world.

The practical guide enables congregations, study groups, missionaries and mission agencies to probe the distinctive and challenging vision of Together towards Life.

The accompanying DVD incorporates videos and documents on the history of Christian mission and the process by which the new ecumenical affirmation was developed.

Rev. Dr Jooseop Keum is secretary of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, World Council of Churches, Geneva.