Tenth Report Study Documents
Specs: 52 pages; 6x9”; PDF and paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1818-5
Shelving/Topics: Religion/Ecumenism
Rights: World, all languages
Price: 8.00 CHF, USD 8.00, £6.56, 7.76 €
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Peace Is a Treasure for All: An Ecumenical Reflection on Peacebuilding in Situations of Conflict and Violence
Without walking and acting together, especially in times of crisis and conflict, there is no peace nor authentic unity. Christians are called to be peacemakers, and “Christ is our peace” (Eph. 2:14). As peacebuilding efforts are not the legacy of Christians alone but are common to many religions and civil and nongovernmental organizations, Christians aim for all to work together for peace to heal the present broken world and the battered earth.
Migrants and Refugees: Ecumenical Challenges and Opportunities
Responding to the challenges and opportunities of migration, we envision a future where the international community will recognize and promote solidarity, cooperation, and the equitable distribution of the earth’s goods. This is essential to eliminating war, violence, economic hardships and other factors that lead people, individually or collectively, to abandon their own natural and cultural environments. We hope and pray that in the future, all people may exercise the freedom to migrate in pursuit of better prospects or, alternatively, not to migrate and so to contribute to their country of origin.