Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement Cover

Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement (2nd Edition)

Edited by:
Nicholas Lossky
José Míguez Bonino
John Pobee
Tom F. Stransky
Geoffrey Wainwright
Pauline Webb

Since its first publication, this dictionary has become an indispensable tool for all those who search for basic information and reliable orientation in the highly complex environment of contemporary ecumenism.

The writers and editors have carefully reviewed and updated the original entries and added a substantial number of new ones. Together they have produced a resource reflecting the richness and diversity of ecumenical thought and action, of events and persons.

Specs: 1311 pages; size; PDF; 4-colour cover
ISBN: 2-8254-1354-2
Shelving/Topics: Religion/Ecumenism
Rights: World, all languages


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Emilio Castro, wrote in his preface to the first edition:

“The energy of the ecumenical movement has always been the creative visions, solemn covenants, courageous engagements and fervent prayers of countless women and men, churches and groups. But the ecumenical story is also one of meetings and reports and documents, programmes and declarations and statements, theological convergences and pastoral guidelines. As this movement has,

by God’s grace, grown and expanded, the amount of written material with which one must be acquainted in order effectively to build on the past would fill a good-sized library. For those without ready access to such documentary resources, this Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement will be indispensable; even for those who have such access it will provide a reliable starting point for their explorations.”