Introduction to the Symposium
Ms Simona Cruciani, Senior Political Affairs Officer, UN Office of the Special Advisor on Prevention of Genocide
Mr Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, General Secretary, ACT Alliance
8:10 High Level Opening
The formal welcome session will feature a high-level representative from three entities— UN Member States, the UN System and faith-based. It will focus on reaffirming the importance of the symposium in general and the urgency and relevance of the current theme.
Ms Alice Wairimu Nderitu, United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, UNOSAPG
Ms Diene Keita, Deputy Executive for Programme, UNFPA
Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, General Secretary, World Council of Churches
8:35 Session 1 - Upholding Human Dignity: Respecting Rights, Flourishing Humanity
This session will serve as an introduction to where we are now and where we want to go as it relates to the UN and its mandates. It will address the role of faith actors and religious institutions in serving as a moral compass and guide to keeping human dignity at the core of human rights.
Moderator: Ms Audrey Kitigawa, President/Founder, International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation
Dr Ganoune Diop, Director, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, Seventh-day Adventist Church
Ms Elisa Gazzotti, Soka Gakkai International (SGI) Representative to the UN, Human Rights Education Focal Point and Chair of NGO Working Group on Human Rights Education
Mr Atallah Fitzgibbon, Faith and Partnership Adviser, Islamic Relief Worldwide
Mr Michael Wiener, Human Rights Officer, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva
Questions from the audience
9:50 Session 2 - Gender Equality, Peace, and Eradicating Violence
This session will serve as a space for understanding the interlinkages between the state of violence and conflict, its impact on gender equality, and how we can build a more just and peaceful world.
Moderator: Ms Leyla Sharafy, Technical Adviser on Gender, UNFPA
Ms Karen Volker, Director of Partnership and Violence Prevention, United Religions Initiative
Rev Dr Elaine Neuenfeldt, Gender Justice Programme Manager, ACT Alliance
Mr Jimmie Briggs, Principal, Skoll Foundation
Dr Azza Karam, President, Women’s Learning Partnership
Questions from the audience
11:05 Session 3 - Key Learnings for a Just, Peaceable and Inclusive Future
This session serves as the learning and hearing section of the Symposium on practical experiences from different levels–grassroots, national, regional, multiregional and international. This session also contributes to the Summit of the Future and an elaboration of the UN Pact for the Future.
Moderator: Rev Dr Liberato Bautista, Assistant General Secretary for United Nations and International Affairs, General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church
Mr Anwar Khan, President, Islamic Relief USA
Ms Emily Kenney, Policy Specialist, Rule of Law, UN Women
H.E. Sheikh Shaban Mubaje, Grand Mufti, Uganda Muslim Supreme Council; Co-Moderator, Religions for Peace-African Council of Religious Leaders
Ms Amani Aruri, Karama Network
Mr Peter Prove, Director, International Affairs, World Council of Churches
Questions from the audience
12:20 Concluding Remarks
Ms Simona Cruciani, Senior Political Affairs Officer, UNOSAPG
Mr Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, General Secretary, ACT Alliance
12:30 Close