Online journals
Online access to the full text is available from the WCC computer network
Journals published by the WCC
Journals subscribed by the WCC Library
- Acta Oecumenica (Open Access)
- Concilium (not available for download)
- Diálogo Ecuménico (Open Access)
- Ecclesiology
- Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context
- Horizons in Biblical Theology
- International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church
- International Journal of Public Theology
- Journal of Reformed Theology
- Nicholai Studies (Open Access)
Journals subscribed by the WCC Library searchable through the EBSCO Databases
Most of the journals in the field of religion and theology can be searched online through the ATLA Religion Database and the Religion & Philosophy collection on the EBSCOhost platform (online access available from the WCC computer network).