The Ecumenical Institute Bossey

The Ecumenical Institute at Château de Bossey is a unique place for ecumenical education – part of the World Council of Churches, attached to the University of Geneva.


Living, learning and praying together

The Ecumenical Institute at Château de Bossey is a unique place for ecumenical education.

In order to face the challenges of living in increasingly pluralistic societies, in a world of economic and cultural globalization, climate change, neglect of human rights and attempts to justify growing violence in the name of religion, churches need leaders with knowledge of other religious traditions and with a sensitivity to confessional and cultural differences.

A part of the World Council of Churches and attached to the University of Geneva, the Ecumenical Institute offers three distinct study programmes on the graduate level.

The content of the teaching is focused on the challenges for the churches in the 21st century and the responses given through the modern ecumenical movement. The methodology is a combination of academic teaching and experiential learning.

Study Courses

Study Courses of the Bossey Ecumenical Institute

Student Life

Student life at the Ecumenical Institute at Château de Bossey

Application forms and process

Apply for the academic year 2025-2026!

Apply for studies

Apply for studies in The Ecumenical Institute at Bossey!

A multicultural environment, a unique place

Since October 1946 thousands of women and men from all over the world and every Christian tradition have come to the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey for academic studies, seminars and conferences. Many have testified to life-changing experiences in this pioneering centre, or "ecumenical laboratory".

The Ecumenical Institute's mission is to educate and form church leaders, both clergy and lay, for service in parishes, classrooms and ecumenical centres around the world. The Ecumenical Institute plays a major role in shaping ecumenical thought through intercultural and interconfessional encounter, through academic study in residential programmes and through common worship and life in community.

The Ecumenical Institute is a place that strengthens, transforms and enhances identities. Through study and research, through life and encounter, through dialogue within a multicultural and multiconfessional community, people come to better understand and appreciate their own tradition and identity, thereby enriching it with new perspectives. The Institute prepares people to be agents of reconciliation, mutual respect and unity among Christians and with all God's people.

Academic Study Programme

Academic Study Programme of the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey

Complementary Certificate (CC) in Ecumenical Studies

The Complementary Certificate (CC) in Ecumenical Studies/Certificat complémentaire d'études œcuméniques is accredited by the University of Geneva with 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits to be achieved during one-semester (mid-September – end of January). Read More

Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Ecumenical Studies

Master of Advanced Studies in Ecumenical Studies (MAS)/Maîtrise universitaire d'études avancées en études œcuméniques is accredited by the University of Geneva with 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits to be achieved during one-semester (mid-September – end of June). Read More

Doctorate in Theology (Ecumenical Studies)

The Doctorate in Theology (mention Ecumenical Studies)/Doctorat en théologie (Mention sciences oecuméniques) is a non-residential academic programme conducted jointly with the Autonomous Faculty of Protestant Theology of the University of Geneva. Read More

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Ecumenical Studies

The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Ecumenical Studies/le Certificat de formation continue en d'études œcuméniques is accredited by the University of Geneva under the Swiss Higher Education Programme for Continuing Education in accordance with the requirements of the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS) with 25 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits to be achieved during one-semester (mid-September – end of January). Read More

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Interreligious Studies

The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Interreligious Studies/Certificat de formation continue en études interreligieuses is accredited by the University of Geneva under the Swiss Higher Education Programme for Continuing Education in accordance with the requirements of the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS) with 10 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits to be achieved during a period of 6 weeks (3 weeks personal learning, 3 weeks residential). Read More

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Global Ecumenical Theology

Meant for students having completed a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree certificate in Christian theology, or in a closely related discipline or demonstrating a suitable level of theological literacy and who demonstrate a good command of written and spoken English. Suitable for academics, professionals and practitioners in the church related context, and beyond, who are interested in how the ecumenical movement relates to sensitive and cutting-edge issues in contemporary society. Read More

Together Towards Unity. Being Church in a Fragmented World

The course offers succinct introductions into the classic dimensions of ecumenical studies. Through specific assignments, students are guided in exploring ecumenical relations in their local context, sharing about it in a global cohort of students and deepen their understanding through theological study. Strengthening the students’ agency and the students’ capacity for theological discernment is vital in this study program. Read More

English as a Tool for Ecumenical Formation: Intensive English Summer Course

This course is offered to students admitted to one of the following courses: Complementary Certificate (CC) in Ecumenical Studies; Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Ecumenical Studies; Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Ecumenical Studies. Applicants who discern a need to enhance their English language proficiency, may apply to the course English as a Tool for Ecumenical Formation: Intensive English Summer Course taking place from mid-June until the beginning of the autumn semester. Read More

Cours en théologie interculturelle

 Nos sociétés deviennent de plus en plus interculturelles du fait de la migration et de la mondialisation. Avec ce cours, nous voulons offrir aux responsables d'églises la possibilité de se former à la théologie interculturelle. En 8 week-ends, le cours aborde différents thèmes théologiques dans une perspective interculturelle.

Le cours commence toujours à la nouvelle année académique et est donné en français. Il est prévu que le cours soit accrédité par l'Université de Genève dans un avenir proche.

Academic credits

ECTS credits are a value allocated to course units to describe the student workload required to complete them. They reflect the quantity of work each course requires in relation to the total quantity of work required to complete academic study at the institution. Read More


Rev. Dr Kuzipa Nalwamba, WCC Programme Director for Unity, Mission and Ecumenical Formation

Ordained in the United Church of Zambia (UCZ), Nalwamba joined the WCC in August 2019 as faculty member of the Ecumenical Institute and as Programme Executive for Ecumenical Theological Education (ETE) in August 2019. In November 2022 she was appointed WCC Programme Director for Unity, Mission and Ecumenical Formation (UMEF).

She holds PhD and MA (Dogmatics and Christian Ethics) degrees from the University of Pretoria; MTh (History of Christianity and Mission) and a Master of Divinity from Trinity Theological College, Singapore. She also holds a BA Ed. (English single major) from the University of Zambia. She has worked at the Council for World Mission and as lecturer and academic dean at the United Church of Zambia Theological College and a staff of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in various capacities. She began her career as high school teacher of English language and literature. Her research interests include education, eco-theology, history of Christianity, mission and literature, among others.

View CV and a list of publications (pdf)

Rev. Dr Benjamin Simon, Director for Ecumenical Formation and Professor for Ecumenical Social Ethics

Simon is the director of the Commission for Education and Ecumenical Formation. This includes the responsibility for the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey and the WCC-programme for Ecumenical Formation. He is serving as Academic Dean and teaches Ecumenical Social Ethics. He is an ordained pastor of the Church of Baden (EKD, Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland). Simon was the WCC-Program Executive for Ecumenical Theological Education (ETE). Before, this appointment he was in charge of Church Relations at the World Council of Churches and was the chair for Ecumenical Missiology at the Ecumenical Institute Bossey. Between 2017 and 2022 he served as managing editor of the International Review of Mission.
He completed his Dr. theol. in Missiology and Intercultural Theology at the University of Heidelberg and his “habilitation” (Post-Doc) at the University of Mainz with the venia legendiin Religious Studies and Intercultural Theology. He has a Master in Social Sciences and in Theology. Simon published extensively in the areas of Migration, Diaspora and Christianity in Africa. Before joining WCC he was working as parish pastor, Ecumenical Officer of his church and as lecturer at the Makumira University College, Tanzania and the University of Heidelberg, Germany

View CV and a list of publications (pdf)

Rev. Fr. Dr Lawrence Iwuamadi, Professor of Ecumenical Biblical Hermeneutics

A Roman Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Owerri, Nigeria. Iwuamadi obtained his licentiate degree in Sacred Scriptures (SSL) from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome and his Ph.D. in biblical theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University also in Rome. Before being appointed to the Ecumenical Institute in 2012 by the Vatican, he taught Fundamental Scriptures, Greek and New Testament Theology at the Seat of Wisdom Seminary in Owerri. The chair of Ecumenical Biblical Hermeneutics is supported by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU).

Rev. Dr Joo Mee Hur, Professor of Ecumenical Missiology

A pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK), she holds a PhD in Theology and Religion from Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz, Germany, a ThM from Protestant Theological University (PThU), the Netherlands. From 2012 to 2018, she was a lecturer (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at the chair for Comparative Religion and Missiology, the Protestant Theology Faculty, JGU Mainz, Germany. She joined the Ecumenical Institute Bossey in August 2021. The chair of Ecumenical Missiology is supported by United Evangelical Mission (UEM), Council for World Mission (CWM), and Community of Churches in Mission (CEVAA).
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Dr Ani Ghazaryan Drissi, Professor of Ecumenical Theology

Armenian and Swiss, Prof. Dr Ani Ghazaryan Drissi is a lay theologian, belonging to the Armenian Apostolic Church (Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin). She obtained her PhD degree in 2014 from the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). She is professor of Ecumenical Theology at the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey and a program executive for Ecumenical Theological Education. From 2014 to 2023, she coordinated the Faith and Order Commission’s work on ecclesiology. She has several publications related to her work. Dr Ani Ghazaryan Drissi’s vision allows her to build a programmatic and transversal approaches through which she contributes via biblical and theological reflections to the WCC different programs and projects.

View CV and a list of publications (pdf)

Dr Vasile-Octavian Mihoc, Adjunct Professor

With educational background that is ecumenical, focusing on Systematic Theology and intercultural and interreligious issues, Mihoc holds a BA and MA from the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Sibiu (Romania), and a PhD from the Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of Göttingen. Between 2013-2019, he was a Research and Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology, University of Münster designing and teaching courses on topics like comparative Missiology, Ecumenics and the Study of Christian theology beyond Europe; religious identity and conversion; interreligious theology; methods and projects in comparative theology, and theological aesthetics. He joined the Ecumenical Institute in 2019 and also serves as the Programme Executive in charge of ecumenical relations of the World Council of Churches.

View CV and a list of publications (pdf)  

Dr Masiiwa Ragies Gunda, Adjunct Professor

A Programme Executive coordinating work on overcoming racism, xenophobia and related discriminations since July 2021. He is an Anglican and Zimbabwean Old Testament scholar, holding a PhD in Intercultural Applied Biblical Studies from the University of Bayreuth, Germany. Gunda did his Bachelors and Masters Degrees at the University of Zimbabwe. He started his academic career as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the same University before becoming a Lecturer. He also taught at several Theological Institutions and Seminaries in Harare, which was foundational in his ecumenical thought and appreciation of ecumenism. He also taught at the Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University. In Germany, he taught Biblical Hebrew at the Roman Catholic Seminary in Bamberg while serving as a Research Assistant (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter). Gunda is a recipient of the Georg Forster Postdoctoral Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and was also Philip Schwartz Initiative Fellow.

Besides teaching, Gunda has served as a consultant for international organisations including the WHO, UNICEF, HIVOS and the WCC on issues ranging from human sexuality, sexual and reproductive health and rights, HIV and AIDS especially focusing on strategies for engaging faith leaders in Africa around these subject matters, as well as equipping faith leaders on how to engage these subject matters within their faith communities.

View CV and a list of publications (pdf)

Dr Andrej Jeftić, Adjunct Professor

Dr. Andrej Jeftić currently holds the position of Director at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Faith and Order Commission. Prior to his appointment at the WCC in 2023, he accrued a wealth of experience in academia. From 2010 to 2016, he was a Teaching Assistant, and later promoted to Assistant Professor from 2016 to 2022 at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the University of Belgrade. He also worked as a Research Fellow from 2022 to 2023 at the University of Belgrade's Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory. During this period, he extended his expertise as a Theological Consultant for the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe.

Dr. Jeftić holds a MA and PhD degree in Theology from the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade His doctoral dissertation was entitled "Reception of the Holy Fathers in the Writings of Thomas F. Torrance: Patristic Theology and Contemporary Science." For years active within ecumenical networks, Dr. Jeftić has represented the Serbian Orthodox Church as a WCC Central Committee member from 2013 to 2022 and as a member of the WCC Assembly Planning Committee from 2018 to 2022. In 2022, he served as a facilitator in the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute (GETI) program.

View CV and a list of publications (pdf)

Rev. Dr Martin Illert, Adjunct Professor

Ordained in the Lutheran Church in Northern Germany Martin Illert joined the WCC in August 2024 as Programme Executive for Faith and Oder. He wrote his dissertation on John Chrysostom and Syrian Monasticism, and his Habilitation on the bilateral Dialogues of the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD) with Orthodox Churches. After his pastoral training he worked as a minister for German speaking congregations in London and Sofia (Bulgaria) and at St Michaels Lutheran Church in Hamburg. Before joining the WCC he headed the Eastern Europe desk at the Church office of the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD) in Hannover. His research interests include the history and theology of ecumenical encounters, Christian iconography and hermeneutics of dialogue. 

View CV and a list of publications (pdf)   


Certificate of Advanced Studies in Interreligious Studies

29 June - 19 July 2025

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Interreligious Studies is a course of a three-week distance learning component and a three-week intensive residential period of study, research and community life, during summer months of June-August and results in 10 ECTS credits (ECTS-European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, established 1988 by the European Commission). 

Rev. Dr Benjamin Simon, Academic Dean
E-mail: [email protected]

Bossey admissions: [email protected] 

Ecumenical Institute at Château de Bossey
Chemin Chenevière 2
1279 Bogis-Bossey

Tel: +41 22 960 7300
Fax: +41 22 960 7367
E-mail: [email protected]

Château de Bossey

Hotel and Conference Centre 




Discover a unique place where calm and serenity reign, where nature invites to relaxation and sharing special moments. Château de Bossey welcomes you to a green and hidden gem between lake and mountain.