Churches’ Commitments to Children

“There can be no keener revelation of a society`s soul than the way it treats its children” - Nelson Mandela


The World Council of Churches advocates for children's well-being through a variety of projects at local, national and global levels. Churches have a unique position to influence society, from parents and school teachers to decision makers in public and private sectors. WCC is actively supporting through global initiatives the engagement of churches worldwide in:

Child Protection: Make sure that children feel safe in their churches, homes and communities and that children know whom to go to for help if they have a problem. Support churches in their efforts to protect children in dangerous situations, and help all children to have a birth certificate.

Child Participation: Churches aim to make decisions together with children when such decisions have something to do with children's lives. They also will plan activities for children together with children.

Climate Justice Initiatives with and for Children: Churches organize activities with children to protect our planet.

The WCC convenes its members and partners to promote the rights of children through the "Churches’ Commitments to Children".

The programme was developed with support from UNICEF and promotes engagement of churches to end violence against children, strengthening collaboration with secular partners.

In 2017, after an 18 month consultative process involving 235 experts, a consensus was reached among WCC member churches on the question “How can churches best use their influence to improve children’s lives”. An agreement was reached on three core commitments: 1. Child Protection, 2. Child Participation, 3. Inter-generational Climate Justice.

Cover letter by the WCC general secretary

List of contributors

Churches’ Commitments to Children

Open invitation to the WCC member churches and partners to address the needs of children as an integral part of the ecumenical commitment to the pilgrimage of justice and peace.

Poster for Congregations

Churches uniting for children in the pilgrimage of justice and peace

Resources and tools

Resources and tools developed by churches, UNICEF or other WCC partner organizations, useful for the implementation of Churches’ Commitments to Children.


As a global fellowship representing over 580 million people in more than 120 countries, WCC has a long-standing commitment to justice, peace, and care for creation. The Climate Litigation Project seeks to leverage this extensive network to hold financial institutions accountable for their responsibility in the climate emergency and to advocate for sustainable and ethical financial practices. Our initiative is rooted in the belief that faith communities have a unique and powerful role to play in promoting intergenerational climate justice and ensuring a sustainable future for all.

The vision: We envision a world where financial institutions are stewards of creation, making climate-responsible decisions that prioritize the health of our planet and its inhabitants. By advocating for legal and systemic changes, we aim to stop the expansion of fossil fuels and promote a transition to sustainable, renewable energy sources.

Our mission is to mobilize and empower faith communities and partners to use legal tools and advocacy to achieve climate justice. We believe that faith-based organizations have a moral duty to protect the earth and its people, especially the most vulnerable. Through education, capacity-building, and litigation, we strive to:

  • Hold financial institutions accountable for their responsibility in the climate emergency,
  • Ensure intergenerational justice by safeguarding the rights and well-being of future
  • Foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders to amplify our impact,
  • Challenge climate disinformation and promote transparency and ethical financial practices.

The video "From Despair to Hope" is available in Arabic, English, German, French, and Spanish languages. 


Faith in Land, Faith in our Children’s Future

Using Our Power as Bank Clients to Combat Desertification

Desertification of the Mediterranean region is fuelled by the ongoing increase of CO2 emissions, of which over 75% are caused by fossil fuels. This fact-sheet highlights how our financial choices can help combat desertification and create a sustainable future for our children.  It is one of several resources the World Council of Churches (WCC) has developed to support churches from the region in their response to this challenge.

Climate-Responsible Finance - a Moral Imperative towards Children

“It is now time for financial service providers to accelerate the shift to renewables. They have the power – and the responsibility. The scientific and moral imperative is clear: there must be no new investment in fossil fuel expansion, including production, infrastructure and exploration.” Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General, in support to the launch of the initiative on 9 May 2022.”

General Secretary

Save Children's Lives

Responsible Banking Survival Guide
Frederique Seidel
Jodie Salter

The climate emergency represents the most dangerous threat to children’s lives and the survival of future generations. Fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – are by far the most significant contributor to the global climate emergency, accounting for over 75 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90 per cent of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
Therefore, halting new investments in fossil fuel expansion is one of the most powerful ways to accelerate climate solutions and save children’s lives.
This document provides concise guidelines for using the investment potential of individuals, organisations and churches to stop investment in fossil fuels.

Cooler Earth - Higher Benefits (Third Edition)

Actions by those who care about children, climate, and finance
Frederique Seidel
Emmanuel de Martel
Eric Begaghel

This document was developed by the WCC’s Child Rights programme in response to requests by children and youth urging adults to find solutions to the climate crisis. This is the third updated edition.

The research examines the impact of financial choices on global warming and reviews related solutions which can bend the CO2 emissions curve (also called the “Keeling Curve”). It shares information, good practices, and suggestions on the efficiency of financial measures to address global warming. It aims to support discussions and discernment among working groups and decision-makers who want to consider influential strategies to address the climate crisis.

Related news
Churches’ Commitments to Children

Open invitation to the WCC member churches and partners to address the needs of children as an integral part of the ecumenical commitment to the pilgrimage of justice and peace.

Climate-Responsible Finance - a Moral Imperative towards Children
Online mapping platform

The map to facilitate networking and collaboration among churches and partners in the implementation of the Churches' Commitments to Children.

Resources and tools

Resources and tools developed by churches, UNICEF or other WCC partner organizations, useful for the implementation of Churches’ Commitments to Children.


Helping Children Out of the Shadows and Into the Light

Church resources for ending sexual violence against children

True Freedom

A new global resource from The World Council of Churches and The Clewer Initiative

WCC Child Safeguarding Policy

Child Safeguarding Policy of the World Council of Churches

If you would like to learn more about the Commitments and join efforts to improve child-wellbeing through churches - please contact us!

Mrs Frederique Seidel, Senior Advisor on Child Rights / Manager of global WCC-UNICEF Partnership
email: [email protected]
phone: +41 22 791 6320

Please do let us know if you would like to share your experience or tools with other churches.


Save Children's Lives: Responsible Banking Survival Guide

Guidelines for using the investment potential of individuals, organisations and churches to stop investment in fossil fuels.