Documents Type keyword Select document owner - Select document owner -AssemblyCentral CommitteeCommission on Ecumenical Education and FormationCommission on Faith and OrderCommission on International AffairsCommission on World Mission and EvangelismConference on World Mission and EvangelismEchos - Commission on youth in the ecumenical movementEcumenical movementExecutive committeeGeneral SecretaryInternational Ecumenical Peace ConvocationJoint Consultative Commission WCC - Christian World CommunionsJoint Consultative Group Pentecostals - WCCJoint Working GroupMember churchModerator of Central CommitteeSpecial Commission on Orthodox participation in the WCCWCC OfficersWCC PresidentsWCC Programmes Select document type - Select document type -Advocacy reportBackground documentBible studyDeclaration of faithLecture - SpeechLetterLetter (incoming)Liturgical song - musicLiturgical textMessageMinutesPolicy documentReportSermonStatement: letterStatement: minuteStatement: public statementStudy documentTribute Select Programme - Select Programme -Conference on World Mission and EvangelismEcumenical Youth GatheringJoint Working Group with the Roman Catholic ChurchGlobal Ecumenical Theological Institute (GETI)Peacebuilding: Middle EastStewards Programme – 11th AssemblyVisits to the WCCWCC AssemblyJoint Consultative Group between the WCC and PentecostalsWCC Journals75th anniversary of the WCCPeace-building: Conflict transformation & ReconciliationInternship programmeInterreligious Dialogue and CooperationJust Community of Women and MenMigration and Multicultural MinistryMission and EvangelismMission from the MarginsPan African Women’s Ecumenical Empowerment NetworkRacism, Discrimination and XenophobiaSpiritual lifeSustainability and Economy of LifeThe Ecumenical Institute BosseyThursdays in BlackChurches’ Commitments to ChildrenYoung People in the Ecumenical MovementHuman Dignity and RightsHealth and HealingFood for Life CampaignFaith on the Fast Track HIV CampaignWCC Archives and LibraryArms control and disarmamentCare for creation and climate justiceChurch and Ecumenical RelationsChurch Engagement to End StatelessnessCommission of the Churches on International AffairsCommission on Ecumenical Education and FormationDiakonia and ecumenical solidarityEcumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and IsraelEcumenical Advocacy AllianceEcumenical continuing formationEcumenical Disability Advocates Network (EDAN)HIV & AIDS, Reproductive Health and PandemicsEcumenical Indigenous Peoples NetworkEcumenical theological education (ETE)Ecumenical Office to the United Nations (EOUN)Ecumenical Water NetworkFaith and Order CommissionCommission on World Mission and EvangelismPilgrimage of Justice and PeaceWCC Publications Latest documents Document Message Ett meddelande till kyrkorna i Pingst Vi, Kyrkornas världsråds presidenter, vill önska en välsignad Pingsthelg i den kristna andan av kärlek och gemenskap. 16 May 2024 WCC Presidents
Document Message Ett meddelande till kyrkorna i Pingst Vi, Kyrkornas världsråds presidenter, vill önska en välsignad Pingsthelg i den kristna andan av kärlek och gemenskap. 16 May 2024 WCC Presidents