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Le Programme des stewards 2025

14 - 26 June 2025

Le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) invite les jeunes de tous les pays du monde à postuler pour le Programme des stewards 2025 qui se tiendra du 14 au 26 juin 2025. Ce programme passionnant offre aux personnes âgées de 18 à 30 ans une occasion unique de se rapprocher du mouvement œcuménique mondial et de prendre une part active aux travaux du COE. La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 30 novembre 2024.

Johannesburg, South Africa

WCC welcomes array of visitors during Advent season

The World Council of Churches (WCC) welcomed an array of visitors during Advent season, including delegations from the Presbyterian Church (USA), World Communion of Reformed Churches, Nordic churches, and the Conference of European Churches.

WCC Gender Justice Reference Group meets in Zimbabwe

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Gender Justice Reference Group met in Harare, Zimbabwe from 7-12 December, marking its first in-person gathering. Hosted by the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, the meeting brought together church leaders, theologians, and gender justice advocates to reflect on the critical importance of gender justice in the life and mission of the church.

Le Groupe de référence du Réseau œcuménique de solidarité avec les populations autochtones a tenu sa première réunion en personne

Le Groupe de référence du Réseau œcuménique de solidarité avec les populations autochtones du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) a tenu sa première réunion en personne les 12 et 13 octobre derniers à l’Institut œcuménique de Bossey. Cette rencontre visant à planifier les travaux à venir avait pour principaux objectifs de créer une communauté et de commencer à définir les projets et priorités.

Webinar: Bekämpfung von Desinformation komplex, aber nötig

Am Webinar „Religion and Disinformation: How to be a trusted source“ (Religion und Desinformation: Wie man eine vertrauenswürdige Quelle ist), das am 3. Dezember stattfand und vom Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) und der Weltvereinigung für christliche Kommunikation (WACC) organisiert wurde, wurden Fallbeispiele aus afrikanischen Ländern zur Prävention und Bekämpfung von Desinformation vorgestellt. 

Un seminario web concluye que combatir la desinformación es complejo, pero que es algo que debe hacerse

Un seminario web celebrado el 3 de diciembre, bajo los auspicios del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) y la Asociación Mundial para la Comunicación Cristiana (WACC, por sus siglas en inglés), con el título “Religión y desinformación: cómo ser una fuente fiable”, presentó casos de estudio de países africanos sobre cómo prevenir y combatir la desinformación. 


Compendium of Good Practices for Ensuring Disability-Inclusive Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender-Based Violence Services in United Republic of Tanzania

The Tumeweza compendium iss a vital resource for ensuring disability-inclusive sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and gender-based violence (GBV) services in the United Republic of Tanzania. It highlights the significant strides made towards improving accessibility and inclusivity in healthcare services, particularly through the efforts at Selian Lutheran Hospital and Nkinga Referral Hospital. The lessons learned from these initiatives provide a roadmap for other health facilities to follow, emphasizing the importance of collaboration with organizations of persons with disabilities, government stakeholders, and faith-based organizations.
While the progress is commendable, there are still gaps that need to be addressed to fully realize inclusive healthcare services for women and girls with disabilities. These include improving infrastructure, enhancing communication between healthcare providers and patients with disabilities, and creating specific policies and procedures that ensure the dignity and autonomy of all individuals. The compendium underscores the necessity of continuous training, accessible information systems, and advocacy at all levels to ensure that no one is left behind.
Moving forward, it is essential for health facilities, policymakers, and development partners to prioritize the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all healthcare-related initiatives. By addressing the existing gaps and building on the good practices outlined in this compendium, Tanzania can continue to lead in the promotion of disability-inclusive SRHR and GBV services in the region and globally, ensuring that every woman and girl has the right to safe, accessible, and respectful healthcare.