Displaying 1 - 20 of 405

Pilgrimage to knowledge: visit to Egypt builds bridges

During a recent visit to Egypt with the aim of exploring both its interreligious and intercultural history, Prof. Angeliki Ziaka, World Council of Churches programme executive for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation, said that her visit to Cairo served as a gateway to deeper exploration of the city's rich heritage and the search for lasting bridges, enriched by Egypt's unique cultural and spiritual richness.

Le monde prie pour l’Arménie et le COE rappelle que «la justice et la paix sont étroitement liées»

Le 10 novembre, les prières pour l’Arménie se sont multipliées à travers le monde, de Londres à Paris, de Berlin à Washington, de Moscou à l’Australie, jusqu’à Genève, où le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) a appelé à la libération sans condition des 23 Arménien-ne-s otages de guerre, des défenseurs et défenseuses des droits humains et des journalistes détenu-e-s dans les prisons azéries.

WCC, KAICIID explore areas of cooperation

A delegation from the KAICIID Dialogue Centre – based in Lisbon – visited the World Council of Churches (WCC) on 22 October to explore areas of common interest and possible cooperation, with a particular focus on issues in the European region.

WCC moderator welcomes new Vatican document on the papacy

Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, moderator of the central committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC), has welcomed a new study document published by the Vatican in which it discusses the responses to a 1995 encyclical on Christian unity by Pope John Paul II.