Displaying 1 - 20 of 691

In Rome, Bossey students share common Christian witness

Students from the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Institute at Bossey are in Rome for a weeklong visit, with a full programme that includes lectures, tours of the Vatican, and opportunities to interact with leaders from the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity.

WCC moderator speaks during Focolare meeting

Catholic, Protestant, and Anglican bishops from all over the world took part in an international ecumenical online meeting of the Focolare Movement on 19 September. World Council of Churches (WCC) moderator Bishop Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm spoke about the WCCs work in the face of the world’s grave challenges. 

WCC moderator welcomes new Vatican document on the papacy

Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, moderator of the central committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC), has welcomed a new study document published by the Vatican in which it discusses the responses to a 1995 encyclical on Christian unity by Pope John Paul II.

Des personnalités religieuses du monde entier s’unissent pour défendre la justice environnementale durant le lancement du Temps pour la Création

Lors d’un événement international organisé pour lancer le Temps pour la Création, des responsables de différentes traditions chrétiennes se sont rassemblé-e-s pour explorer le thème de l’édition 2024, «Espérer et agir avec la Création», qui met l’accent sur les rapports de l’humanité avec la nature et sur l’urgence d’instaurer une justice environnementale.

Faith and labour organizations forge new paths in just transitions

In a consultation titled "Care is work, work is care," representatives from the World Council of Churches (WCC), Roman Catholic Church, and the International Labour Organisation convened in Rome to foster a global transformative community. The meeting aimed to address urgent labour issues intensified by the polycrisis of climate change, economic instability, and geopolitical tensions.