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WCC-UNICEF partnership vital for children in Tanzania

At the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism, held in Tanzania in March, WCC communications interviewed Rene van Dongen, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Deputy Representative. Van Dongen spoke about Churches’ Commitments to Children, which is now supported by more than 200 churches and partners worldwide. The initiative was created when the WCC and UNICEF facilitated a broad consultative process around the question ‘How can churches use their influence to improve children’s lives?’

When you have nothing, you give your heart

If the human spirit and likeness of God's will for peace with justice for all people is alive in the world, the pilgrim team that visited South Sudan this week has witnessed it. From 5-9 May, a World Council of Churches “Pilgrim Team” visited South Sudan under the theme “African Women of Faith and Gender Justice.” The delegation was hosted by the South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC).

Cuando uno no tiene nada, da su corazón

Si el espíritu humano y su voluntad de paz y justicia para todos, a imagen de la de Dios, está presente en el mundo, el equipo de la peregrinación que visitó Sudán del Sur esta semana ha sido testigo de ello.

Post-Arusha seminar convenes in Finland

A seminar following the WCC Conference on World Mission and Evangelism is being convened on 20 April in Helsinki, Finland. Participants and speakers include, among others, Rev. Dr Benjamin Simon, professor of Ecumenical Missiology at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, as well as delegates to the Arusha conference representing Lutheran and Orthodox churches.

Tanzanian bishop known for tree-planting honoured to host mission conference

Environmentally-conscious presiding bishop Dr Fredrick Shoo of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania says it was a special honour to host the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism in his country that is often called the “cradle of humanity”. “It has been a moment of reflection for the church as one body of disciples of Christ and on how we witness about Christ in the global context,” said Shoo, known for his tree-planting activities, in an interview.

Translating the Word, Transforming the World

An Ecumenical Reader

A stellar collection of nearly 30 of the most important, orienting documents of contemporary ecumenical and missiological reflection. Composed and compiled to serve as a textbook for the meeting of the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute, held in Arusha, Tanzania, in conjunction with the world conference of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism in March 2018, the volume nurtures ecumenical theological formation with a contextual sensitivity yet a truly global focus.

An advocate for family values, called by God

When Kenneth Ben grew up in the sixties and seventies each day started and ended with a prayer. His father, who was a pastor, had a pulpit in the home and his parents built a lifestyle around Christian values. Ben also learned early on the value of an extended family, where grandparents and relatives are included.

Un defensor de los valores familiares llamado por Dios

Cada día de la infancia de Kenneth Ben durante los años sesenta y setenta empezaba y terminaba con una oración. Su padre, que era pastor, tenía un púlpito en la casa. Tanto él como su madre construyeron un estilo de vida en torno a los valores cristianos. Ben también aprendió pronto el valor de la familia extensa, que incluye a los abuelos y otros familiares.

Different but one in Christ

From the face value, the above African proverb “A single stick may smoke, but it will not burn,” means that it actually takes a collection of sticks to have a burning fire since a single stick can only produce a thread of wispy smoke. The same is actually true with regards to our life. It is common to hear statements like ‘let us keep the fire burning’ when initiatives are started, but, most times it is just that, statements because individualism often supersedes collectivism. Little is done to fan the fire and add wood to it to ensure that it actually keeps burning.

Social media – sharing the Word, with the World Council of Churches

Although continents may remain apart “technology has made the world a global village.” In the real sense of the word, it’s the interconnection of technology that makes it a village. The World Council of Churches is not ignorant to this fact and hence maintains a vibrant social media presence. The effectiveness of these channels has come to light at the ongoing Conference on World Mission and Evangelism in Arusha, Tanzania.

“Sending service” closes Arusha conference

The Conference on World Mission and Evangelism officially closed with a “sending service” during which participants reflected on their call to discipleship and the significance of such a call in transforming mission in a world of pain, dislocation and turmoil.

Un “servicio de envío” clausura la conferencia de Arusha

La Conferencia Mundial sobre Misión y Evangelización se clausuró con un servicio durante el cual los participantes reflexionaron sobre su llamamiento al discipulado y la importancia de ese llamamiento para transformar la misión en un mundo de dolor, desplazamiento y confusión.

“Arusha Call to Discipleship” issued

Participants from the World Council of Churches Conference on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) issued a “Call to Discipleship” on 13 March, the closing day of the conference. More than 1,000 people gathered in Tanzania for the CWME, and all are engaged in mission and evangelism, coming from different Christian traditions across the world.

Publicado el “Llamamiento de Arusha al discipulado”

Los participantes de la Conferencia Mundial sobre Misión y Evangelización hicieron público un “Llamamiento al discipulado” el 13 de marzo. Más de mil personas comprometidas con la misión y la evangelización y procedentes de diferentes tradiciones cristianas de todo el mundo se reunieron en Tanzania con motivo de la CMME.