Displaying 81 - 100 of 537

Vaccination hesitance poses yet another challenge

As vaccination programmes are being rolled out in more and more countries, there is hope for an end of a pandemic which has brought fear and anxiety around the globe since early 2020. A return to an everyday life, where people can socialize with family and friends, go to work as they used to and worship God together in church on Sundays, is eagerly awaited. 

A Faith Imperative for Human Rights

10 December 2020

On Human Rights Day, this webinar aims to surface the potential tension between faith and human rights, and engage in an open and positive conversation. Is there a contradiction between religion and human rights?


Mission Rediscovered: Transforming Disciples

A Commentary on the Arusha Call to Discipleship
Kenneth R. Ross

This book offers a commentary on the Arusha Call to Discipleship, unpacking the meaning of its 12-part summons. It provides an up-to-date theological and missiological view on a major ecumenical mission document with a personal reflection on the state of the world desperately in need of change and transformation. It intends to be a key resource for discovering what it means to become what Pope Francis described as "missionary disciples". Primarily meant for individuals and study groups in churches, mission agencies and theological institutions, it is a useful tool for anyone interested in the ecumenical mission movement and World Christianity.

Responding to the Arusha Call - Mission Rediscovered: Transforming Disciples will debut during webinar

A book by Ken Ross, Mission Rediscovered: Transforming Disciples, will be released during a webinar on 2 December 2020. A commentary on the Arusha Call to Discipleship, the publication unpacks the meaning of the 12-part summons of the Arusha Call. With an up-to-date theological and missiological view on the Arusha Call, the book also offers a personal reflection on the state of a world desperately in need of change and transformation.

Driven by God’s grace and a sense of duty

When Rev. Dr Antje Jackelén became its first female archbishop in 2014, a major milestone was reached in the history of the Church of Sweden. It took 850 years and 69 male predecessors to get there. Jackelén also happens to be the first immigrant, at least in modern times, to occupy the highest chair of her church. That, however, she regards as a coincidence of lesser significance. For her, as a devoted Christian, the baptism matters more than the passport.   

Conflitos assolam Moçambique há décadas, mas as igrejas estão sempre presentes

O povo de Moçambique enfrenta constantes conflitos há séculos, desde os tempos do domínio colonial português e a guerra civil que o seguiu (que só terminou neste século), e agora com o Daesh e, ao mesmo tempo, o inimigo invisível do COVID-19. Não é de se espantar, portanto, que as igrejas do país tenham sempre tido muitíssimo a fazer como pacificadoras locais.