Displaying 61 - 80 of 537

Book launch: "Call to Discipleship”

10 November 2021

On 10 November, the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on World Mission and Evangelism will release a new publication, Call to Discipleship: Mission in the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace,” a collection of the commissions study documents from 2018-2021.


WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism meeting

09 - 11 November 2021

The World Council of Churches Commission on World Mission and Evangelism will hold an online meeting 9-11 November to evaluate its work and impact from the 10th WCC Assembly in Busan in 2013 to the 11th WCC Assembly in Karlsruhe in 2022.


NIFEA E-Conference: Degrowth - Living Sufficiently and Sustainably

01 October 2021

Organised by the Council for World Mission (CWM), Lutheran World Federation (LWF), World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), World Council of Churches (WCC) and World Methodist Council (WMC) under the New International Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA) initiative, the NIFEA E-conference on “Degrowth - Living Sufficiently and Sustainably” will be a space to discuss and unpack various visions of “de-growth” or “post-growth” with a view to addressing the urgent eco-crisis and pandemic of inequality besetting the planet today.  

Helping Children Out of the Shadows and Into the Light: Poster

Church Resources For Ending Sexual Violence Against Children

Part of the "Out of the Shadow"s toolkit.

A poster with contact information for the national Child Helpline partner, who takes calls and emails 24/7 from concerned adults or children. (For countries not listed in the toolkit, you may request a template for adaptation from [email protected]. The list of national Child Helplines can be found at https://www.childhelplineinternational.org/child-helplines/child-helpli…

Kusitasita kukubali chanjo kunaleta tena changamoto nyingine

Wakati mipango ya utoaji chanjo ikifanyika katika nchi zaidi na zaidi, kuna matumaini ya kumalizika kwa janga ambalo limeleta hofu na wasiwasi kote ulimwenguni tangu mapema mwaka 2020. Kurudi katika hali ya kawaida ya maisha ya kila siku, ambapo watu wanaweza kushirikiana na familia na marafiki, kwenda kazini kama walivyokuwa wakifanya na kumwabudu Mungu pamoja kanisani siku za Jumapili, kunasubiriwa kwa hamu.

Mais um desafio no enfrentamento da pandemia: a hesitação vacinal

Conforme as campanhas de vacinação continuam a progredir em mais e mais países, começamos a ver a luz no fim de uma pandemia que causa medo e ansiedade em todo o mundo desde o início de 2020. Todos aguardam ansiosamente um retorno à vida cotidiana, onde as pessoas podem se socializar com a família e amigos, trabalhar como antes, e adorar a Deus juntos na igreja aos domingos. 

Las dudas sobre la vacunación plantean otro desafío más

A medida que los programas de vacunación se van llevando a cabo en cada vez más países, hay esperanza de poner fin a una pandemia que ha generado miedo y ansiedad en todo el mundo desde principios de 2020. Un retorno a la vida cotidiana, que permita a la gente reunirse con sus familiares y amigos, volver al trabajo y rendir culto a Dios en las iglesias los domingos, es esperado con impaciencia.