Displaying 1 - 20 of 99

WCC general secretary will visit Lebanon

World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay will visit Lebanon from 19-22 March, to commemorate the 50th jubilee of the Middle East Council of Churches and meet with all WCC member churches from Lebanon and Syria. 

Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch marks 15th centennial jubilee of Mor Philoxenus of Maboug (523-2023)

In July 2021, I shared a blog with all of you, as my church, the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch and all the East marks the 1500 Jubilee Year of Mor Jacob de Serugh (St Jacob of Serugh) a great Syriac Poet, who religiously articulated theological doctrines for monks to fight heresies.  He employed poetry to formulate pure and clear theological teaching using Biblical evidence.