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In Bolivia, WCC reflects on progress and challenges of 40 years response to HIV

Gracia Violeta Ross, WCC programme executive for HIV, Reproductive Health, and Pandemics, offered two presentations in Bolivia, the first a training for leaders living with HIV on planning and project design for community-based organizations, and the second a keynote speech, entitled 40 years of the HIV response in Bolivia, progress and challenges,” offered at an art museums exhibition closure in Santa Cruz, which is the largest city in the country, with 42% of HIV cases in Bolivia,

Rev. Andreas Fuog: Our doubt can be a source of faith

During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, staff of the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva joined a Monday morning prayer at the Chapelle des Crêts of the Protestant church of Geneva, reflecting on the theme of the 2025: “Do you believe this?”

Expressing trauma through art: Yazidi women share stories

In connection with the UN Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Church of Norway, Norwegian Church Aid, Stefanus Alliance, and The Norwegian Council on Religions and Life Stance Communities organized an exhibit and seminar through which Yazidi women expressed their trauma though art therapy and storytelling. 

HIV/AIDS until when?

Many people living with HIV like me, would really like to say the HIV pandemic has finished and a cure and vaccine are available. That is aspirational; it is a dream. Currently there are 39 million people living with HIV, but only 29 million have access to treatment. 

WCC conducts training on HIV, mental health, and human rights in Namibia

The World Council of Churches (WCC), in collaboration with UNAIDS and national resource persons, conducted capacity-building programs on HIV, mental health, and human rights during the annual youth assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia from 31 October to 3 November in Ondangwa. Nearly 500 youth participated in the assembly.

African youth find hope in promoting holistic mental health

The All Africa Youth Network, in collaboration with the Africa Christian Health Associations platform, along with the WCC, organized an online consultation on 11-12 November to embark on a journey of promoting the holistic mental health and wellbeing of youth in Africa.

Children, HIV and the church

According to the 2024 global UNAIDS update, approximately 120,000 children acquired HIV in 2023. Only 57% of the estimated 1.4 million children living with HIV were receiving antiretroviral therapy in this year. In comparison, 77% of the overall population of persons living with HIV have access to antiretroviral therapy.