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L'industrie du tourisme est tenue d'assumer ses responsabilités tant sur le plan social que culturel, dit le pasteur Kobia

"Le tourisme, malgré tous les bienfaits qu'il peut apporter, s'est malheureusement transformé en une activité qui laisse dans son sillage un grand nombre de victimes", dit le pasteur Samuel Kobia, secrétaire général du Conseil œcuménique des Eglises (COE), dans un message à l'occasion de la Journée mondiale du tourisme qui se tiendra le 27 septembre.

Affirming human dignity, rights of peoples and the integrity of creation - Rwanda, 2004

As part of the WCC's work on the Decade , this theological consultation, organized by WCC Faith and Order in Kigali, Rwanda (4-9 December 2004), was an attempt to discern what human dignity, rights of peoples and the integrity of creation mean for churches and the ecumenical movement as they attempt to counter the reality of massive abuse and destruction of life and its legitimization in the world today. It was also an attempt to do theology informed by the perspectives and experiences of the victims of violence.

Commission on Faith and Order

Lenten Fast from Violence: Biblical and educational resource guides available

Lent provides an important opportunity to focus on the challenges of working together to overcome the violence in our culture. The US Committee for the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV) invites Christians to enter into the Lenten season with a focus on the growing violence in our world and the need for peace and reconciliation.

The eucharistic liturgy of Lima

The Lima Liturgy is a Eucharistic (Holy Communion) service expressing, in one possible liturgical form, the ecclesiological convergence on the eucharist reached in the Faith and Order text Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (BEM). It is so named because it was first used at the Faith and Order Plenary Commission meeting in Lima, Peru in 1982 - the meeting which approved BEM for transmission to the churches for official response.

Commission on Faith and Order