Ecumenical Anti-Racism, Anti-Xenophobia, and Anti-Discrimination Contextual Bible Studies
God’s created world is today groaning under the burdens that God’s creation has had to carry for centuries, caused by our appetite to consume. The spirit of uninhibited consumption led to the exploitation of creation, the enslavement of peoples, the colonization of lands and peoples and the wanton extraction and exploitation of natural resources from far and wide. Entire groups of people have been racially exploited. The World Council of Churches acknowledges that even faith communities, including some of its member churches and their members, have participated and contributed to the many cases of racially motivated exploitation, past and present. <p>
The World Council of Churches stands in solidarity with victims and survivors of racism, xenophobia, casteism, and all other forms of discrimination. Through this booklet, the WCC offers Christian communities a resource to develop biblically-based Christian responses to overcome these scourges.