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EDAN at 25: “Making a way”

Reviewing a bibliography of publications just by African scholars (not even looking at global developments) on the topic of disability, one cannot help to be impressed with the breadth and depth of scholarship. The Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network (EDAN) has contributed directly and indirectly to many of these publications over the past 25 years. 

Das Ökumenische Aktionsbündnis von und für Menschen mit Behinderung des ÖRK feiert 25-jähriges Jubiläum mit Veröffentlichung des Buchs „Life in Church“

Die laufende Versammlung der Kommission für Weltmission und Evangelisation des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) feierte das 25-jährige Jubiläum der Gründung des ökumenischen Aktionsbündnisses von und für Menschen mit Behinderungen (EDAN) mit der Veröffentlichung eines neuen Buchs über Behinderungen, das die Kirche dazu auffordert, jene Strukturen zu beseitigen, die Menschen mit Behinderung auf dem Boden der Gesellschaft und der Kirche halten.

La Red Ecuménica de Defensa de las Personas con Discapacidad del CMI conmemora sus 25 años con la presentación del nuevo libro “Life in Church”

La reunión de la Comisión de Misión Mundial y Evangelización del CMI que está teniendo lugar en estos momentos conmemoró los 25 años de la creación de la Red Ecuménica de Defensa de las Personas con Discapacidad (EDAN) con la presentación de un nuevo libro sobre el tema de la discapacidad que llama a la iglesia a desmantelar las fuerzas que mantienen a las personas con discapacidad en condiciones de inferioridad en la sociedad y en la iglesia. 

Le Réseau œcuménique de défense des personnes handicapées du COE célèbre ses 25 ans avec le lancement de l’ouvrage «Life in Church»

La Commission de mission et d’évangélisation du COE qui se réunit actuellement a célébré les 25 ans de la création du Réseau œcuménique de défense des personnes handicapées (EDAN) avec le lancement d’un nouvel ouvrage sur le handicap qui envoie les Églises démanteler les forces maintenant les personnes en situation de handicap au bas de la société et de l’Église. 

Life in Church

Theological Reflections of Persons with Disabilities

This publication is part of the Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network’s (EDAN’s) work under the Advocacy for the Rights and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities project.

Although good work has been done on disability inclusion in churches, EDAN also identified gaps in that the voices of persons with disabilities within the church are not heard. The editors emphasize that “it is no longer valid for other Christians to speak about persons with disabilities as if we weren’t already present in the church to speak up for ourselves.”

The first part of this publication highlights the voices of persons with disabilities who are currently serving their churches in various roles and capacities and of those who had to leave a church due to the discriminatory behaviour and attitudes that they experienced. The second part of this publication shares the WCC statement “A Gift of Being: Called to be a Church of All and for All.”

How a "concrete block” holds the heart of Christian unity

As the Ecumenical Centre moves into the Green Village, the change means a more environmentally sustainable workplace for the World Council of Churches (WCC), as well as an opportunity to keep some of the most treasured aspects of the Ecumenical Centre—especially its spirit of unity, inclusivity, and mystique!

"If you are willing...”

Hello, my name is John and I have myelomeningocele spina bifida. In-utero, my spinal column did not fully close and a number (for me, six) of nerve-pairs did not get to where they needed to go. For me, that disclosure is relatively low on my spine, meaning it affects below my midsection. I can still walk using leg braces.