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Greetings on Reformation Day 2024

World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay sent greetings to the Lutheran World Federation to mark Reformation Day, which also marks the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church.

General Secretary

A human rights and ethical perspective on Noneconomic Loss and Damage (NELD) in the context of climate change

01 July 2024

The World Council of Churches (WCC), as a member of the Geneva Interfaith Forum on Climate Change, Environment, and Human Rights, is co-organising a side event at the 56th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland. Focusing on the intersection of human rights and noneconomic loss and damage in the context of climate change, the event will take place on 1 July from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm at Room XXV, Palais des Nations.

Room XXV, Palais des nations and Online

Bossey research fellow reflects on economic and ecological justice

Max Weber, a student at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, is currently completing a WCC research fellowship. He took time to reflect on his recent attendance at the World Social Forum 2024 in Kathmandu, Nepal, as well as his studies related to economic and ecological justice.

WCC mourns loss of Dr William Stanley, who pursued economic justice

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is mourning the loss of Dr William Stanley, who passed away on 11 December. Stanley contributed to the WCCs work on economic and ecological justice especially during the period between the WCC 8th Assembly in Harare in 1998 and WCC 10th Assembly in Busan in 2013. 

Religious leaders uniting for climate peace in solidarity with refugees, boost UN conference

The moment religious leaders from around 40 faith-based organisations worldwide agreed to keep defending the individual right to seek asylum during a gathering in Geneva marked a high point on the eve of the Global Refugee Forum, the world's biggest such international gathering.They met at a one-day event on 12 December at the World Council of Churches (WCC), chaired by an Armenian archbishop and a UN diplomat who was once a Turkish legislator.

Faith, Science, and Climate: WCC and LWF host dialogue with IPCC expert

The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) came together for a dialogue titled "Encountering Faith and Science." The session featured Ramon Pichs-Madruga, one of the three vice-chairs of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), sharing key insights from the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report.

WCC leads workshop on Blue Communities at Lutheran World Federation Assembly

Speaking at a workshop on Churches becoming Blue Communities” during the ongoing Lutheran World Federation Assembly on 16 September, World Council of Churches (WCC) moderator Bishop Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm introduced the concept of Blue Communities, emphasizing the importance of respecting the human right to water, resisting water privatization, and reducing the reliance on bottled water.

Common greetings by WCC general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay and moderator Bishop Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm at the LWF Assembly

In a joint greeting to the Lutheran World Federation Assembly, gathered in Krakow, Poland from 13-19 September, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Pillay and WCC moderator Bishop Prof. Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm reflected on the assemblys theme, One Body, One Spirit, One Hope.”

Moderator of Central Committee