Displaying 1 - 20 of 175

Thirty days that changed the ecumenical movement

No holidays for William Temple, Archbishop of York, early in August 1937. The ecumenical movement for the social responsibility of the churches, known as Life and Work,” had just held its world conference in Oxford, 12-26 July, with the church struggle against emerging totalitarian states at the heart of its theme and work. Temple had drafted the final message of the conference, known for the motto let the Church be the Church.”   

Webinar “Realizing Equal Nationality Rights for All”

04 November 2021

A webinar on 4 November, Realizing Equal Nationality Rights for All,” will consider that an estimated 15 million people worldwide are stateless—having no country that considers them to be a national by operation of law.


Conference explores keys to generating relevant theology for Africa

“When the music changes, so must the dance,” counselled Prof. Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri, World Council of Churches (WCC) deputy general secretary at the Africa Association of United Methodist Theological Institutions Anglophone Group virtual conference on 9-10 April. Phiri gave a keynote address at the conference organized by Africa University, a Methodist-affiliated university in Zimbabwe.

For churches, advocacy for human rights and disarmament is a long-term commitment

Working on human rights and disarmament for the World Council of Churches (WCC) does not show instant results. The quest needs perseverance, says the WCC programme executive who interacts with the United Nations in Geneva. Jennifer Philpot-Nissen, a trained human rights lawyer, has the task of engaging on human rights and disarmament for the WCC's Commission of the Churches on International Affairs.

Morning Prayer for Friday, 4 December 2020

Merciful God, you who saw the abused woman in her misery and rescued her

This week, the first week of Advent, in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we are praying with the people and churches of Myanmar and Thailand.

In a time of physical distancing, let us unite our hearts and minds as we prayerfully seek to overcome Sexual and Gender-Based Violence together.

WCC Programmes

Afrikanische Kirchen waren auf COVID-19 vorbereitet

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ist in großer Sorge über die Auswirkungen, die die neue Coronavirus-Pandemie auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent haben könnte. Die Kirchen in Afrika haben sich aber längst auf die Invasion des stummen und tödlichen Virus vorbereitet.