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Los dirigentes de las iglesias del mundo instan a la COP23 a tomar medidas

Tras una semana de negociaciones en la cumbre del clima de la ONU que se celebra en Bonn (Alemania), el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), la Federación Luterana Mundial (FLM) y ACT Alianza –que juntos representan a más de quinientos millones de cristianos en todo el mundo– manifestaron su preocupación por el lento progreso que los gobiernos han logrado hasta ahora.

We are called to work on a peace built on trust, not power

Security built on the assumption that the power to destroy serves the purpose of peace is unsafe security, states World Council of Churches (WCC) president for Europe and Archbishop emeritus Dr Anders Wejryd, adding that trust is necessary for a real peace.

Il G7 deve affrontare la fame nel mondo

Si sta facendo davvero troppo poco per salvare la vita dei 20 milioni di persone che soffrono la fame in Yemen, Somalia, Sud Sudan e Nigeria. Tra loro ci sono 1,4 milioni di bambini a rischio di morte imminente se, non arriveranno immediatamente gli aiuti.

El G7 debe abordar la cuestión del hambre en el mundo

Estamos muy lejos de hacer lo suficiente para salvar las vidas de los 20 millones de personas que padecen hambruna en Yemen, Somalia, Sudán del Sur y Nigeria. Entre ellos están 1,4 millones de niños, que están expuestos al riesgo inminente de muerte a menos que reciban ayuda inmediatamente.

Le G7 doit lutter contre la famine

Les mesures prises pour sauver la vie des 20 millions de personnes menacées par la famine au Yémen, en Somalie, au Soudan du Sud et au Nigeria sont très insuffisantes. Parmi les personnes en danger, on compte 1,4 million d’enfants qui risquent de mourir à court terme si l’aide humanitaire ne leur parvient pas immédiatement.

Lent is “time for water justice”

Lent is a time to think about justice, particularly water justice, said World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit during a sermon on 20 March at the Ecumenical Centre chapel in Geneva, Switzerland.

Connected, yet disconnected: Famine in the midst of plenty

Never has humanity lived in a more connected, yet disconnected time! Connected by the endless notifications on our smartphones – alerting us to all the latest news and tidings in our social media, yet not connected deeply enough to respond substantially to people's suffering. Among the many tragedies are the human-made famines in South Sudan, Somalia, North-Eastern Nigeria and in Yemen.

Seven weeks of Lent highlight water crisis in Africa

With a prayer service on Ash Wednesday in Sealite Mihret Orthodox cathedral in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the WCC's Ecumenical Water Network began its annual Lenten campaign “Seven Weeks for Water”. This year during Lent it will raise awareness of water justice issues in Africa.

Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace to be more inspired by the African context

With the aim of monitoring how the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace is unfolding and to develop suggestions for its various initiatives and activities, with a special focus on the Africa region in 2017, the World Council of Churches (WCC) convened a meeting of the reference group of the pilgrimage in Nigeria from 20-27 February.

Commission of the Churches on International Affairs sets its focus on Africa

The 54th meeting of the WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) began today in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, marking its yearly regional focus on Africa. During the meeting CCIA members are discussing the commission’s previous work and its outcomes focusing on Middle East, as well as setting strategic directions for activities until 2021.

During Lent, a “carbon fast” can honour God’s creation

The Church of South India, Green Anglicans and other groups are sharing creative ways to observe a “carbon fast" during the Lenten season. A carbon fast challenges people to examine their daily actions and reflect on how they impact the environment. The carbon fast campaigns are designed so that, over Lent, people can take small steps to reduce carbon dioxide output with the hope of helping the environment and bringing the world one step closer to a sustainable existence.

Sorties des ténèbres

Des femmes font lentement le tour de leur sanctuaire à Lalesh. Certaines sont accompagnées de leurs enfants. Elles ont été conduites d’un camp de réfugiés jusqu’au lieu saint des yézidis, situé dans les montagnes au nord de l’Irak, du côté de Dohuk. Au départ, elles sont toutes silencieuses, et chacune veille à ne pas marcher sur le seuil du temple.

“Se necesita una voz unida”, dice el Consejo de Iglesias Bautistas del Noreste de la India, nuevo miembro del CMI

El Consejo de Iglesias Bautistas del Noreste de la India es uno de los mayores grupos bautistas de la India, que cuenta con 1,2 millones de miembros en 7263 congregaciones. El CBCNEI se convirtió oficialmente en iglesia miembro del CMI en julio. Su secretario general, el Rev. Dr. Solomon Rongpi, habló para Noticias del CMI sobre la decisión del CBCNEI de unirse al CMI.