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WCC Gender Justice Reference Group meets in Zimbabwe

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Gender Justice Reference Group met in Harare, Zimbabwe from 7-12 December, marking its first in-person gathering. Hosted by the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, the meeting brought together church leaders, theologians, and gender justice advocates to reflect on the critical importance of gender justice in the life and mission of the church.

WCC shares vision for just transitions at Geneva Environment Network Roundtable

The World Council of Churches (WCC) joined diplomats, faith-based organizations, and leading experts at a roundtable discussion celebrating Geneva’s legacy in global environmental governance. Organized as part of the Geneva Environment Network's 25th-anniversary series of events, the discussion focused on the vital role of faith-based organizations in tackling the triple planetary climate change crisis, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

Love, Justice, and Reproductive Health

A Framework for Churches
Alexa Dava

Christ’s call to love our neighbours as ourselves includes ensuring that all have access to the resources needed to live and flourish. And yet, societal barriers to reproductive health prevent many individuals from accessing necessary care. Love, Justice and Reproductive Health: A Framework for Churches invites churches to consider reproductive health from a perspective rooted in Christ’s love. It introduces key areas and addresses prevalent disparities within reproductive health outcomes. The framework encourages churches to act on this issue, providing programmatic suggestions for them to embody Christ’s love and justice within their own contexts.

Please send comments and questions to [email protected]
The author, Rev Alexa Dava is ordained with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and serves as project officer for Human Dignity and Reproductive Health at the WCC.


Compendium of Good Practices for Ensuring Disability-Inclusive Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender-Based Violence Services in United Republic of Tanzania

The Tumeweza compendium iss a vital resource for ensuring disability-inclusive sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and gender-based violence (GBV) services in the United Republic of Tanzania. It highlights the significant strides made towards improving accessibility and inclusivity in healthcare services, particularly through the efforts at Selian Lutheran Hospital and Nkinga Referral Hospital. The lessons learned from these initiatives provide a roadmap for other health facilities to follow, emphasizing the importance of collaboration with organizations of persons with disabilities, government stakeholders, and faith-based organizations.
While the progress is commendable, there are still gaps that need to be addressed to fully realize inclusive healthcare services for women and girls with disabilities. These include improving infrastructure, enhancing communication between healthcare providers and patients with disabilities, and creating specific policies and procedures that ensure the dignity and autonomy of all individuals. The compendium underscores the necessity of continuous training, accessible information systems, and advocacy at all levels to ensure that no one is left behind.
Moving forward, it is essential for health facilities, policymakers, and development partners to prioritize the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all healthcare-related initiatives. By addressing the existing gaps and building on the good practices outlined in this compendium, Tanzania can continue to lead in the promotion of disability-inclusive SRHR and GBV services in the region and globally, ensuring that every woman and girl has the right to safe, accessible, and respectful healthcare.

View a webinar to explore theology and AI

A video is now available of a webinar, Theology and Artificial Intelligence: Systematic and Denominational Perspectives,” co-organized by the Canadian Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches (WCC), that analyzed challenges posed by generative AI and trans-humanism for theological aspects such as the personhood and the image of God, the meaning of the Incarnation, and the Trinity.

HIV/AIDS until when?

Many people living with HIV like me, would really like to say the HIV pandemic has finished and a cure and vaccine are available. That is aspirational; it is a dream. Currently there are 39 million people living with HIV, but only 29 million have access to treatment. 

World Toilet Day 2024: Churches lead the call for dignified sanitation

The Ecumenical Water Network (EWN) Africa, in collaboration with the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Water Network and Norwegian Church Aid, hosted a hybrid workshop in Abuja, Nigeria, to mark World Toilet Day 2024. The event, themed Toilets—A Place for Peace,” highlighted sanitation's vital role in promoting health, dignity, and harmony across communities.