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What do we hear when the ecumenical youth roar?

As the hybrid book event on a deeper dive in the youth publication Let the waves roar” commenced on 1 April, World Council of Churches (WCC) acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca welcomed everyone, saying: I am so grateful to have the new publication with perspectives of young prophetic voices in the ecumenical movement, especially as we move toward the 11th assembly.”

Молитва за саммит президентов Путина и Байдена, Женева, 16 июня 2021 г.

Господь народов!

Мы, твои люди, обращаемся к тебе с молитвой и верой в то, что перед тобой

народы подобны капле из ведра и значат не более, чем песчинка на весах.

Мы предстаем перед тобой в смирении, понимая, что Всевышний правит мирскими делами

и воздает тому, кому пожелаешь.

Bossey students testimony

On 17 June, six new master students finished their yearlong studies with the graduation ceremony of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Institute at Château de Bossey. WCC News met with them at the graduation.

At Bossey, ’I could feel the belongingness’

During a graduation webcast, students from the World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Institute Bossey described what it was like to live for ten months or more in an environment like no other. As they receive their post-graduate degrees in ecumenical studies, they look back fondly on their sense of community, professors—and even the food.

For Russian priest, Bossey is ‘valuable’ and ‘precious’

Father Mikhail Gundyaev grew up in St Petersburg at a time the city was known as Leningrad and when religion was still frowned upon in the then Soviet Union, so studying at Bossey in 1994 and 1995 opened new horizons for him. “It was a valuable and precious experience to meet people from different churches and from many different cultures,” said Gundyaev. “I saw people from Africa who had never seen someone from the Orthodox Church.”

Ecumenical Patriarchate hosts scholarly meeting

The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople hosted a special meeting on 4 and 5 January at which participants from diverse fields of study shared their reflections on current challenges and aspirations for theology in the life of the Orthodox Churches.

Sources of Authority, Volume 1

The Early Church. Faith and Order Papers 217

Living and witnessing to their faith in the first centuries after the New Testament, the men and women of the early church—theologians and bishops, ascetics and martyrs—have exerted a profound influence and authority in the subsequent theological and ecclesial periods and traditions.

Reading the Gospels with the Early Church: A Guide

Faith and Order Paper No. 213

“New refreshing insights on our understanding of the gospel in the 21st century from our ancient past—this is the surprising impact of what is captured in this small book in which the thoughts of early church figures are brought alive in a new way.” —Setri Nyomi, World Communion of Reformed Churches, General Secretary

WCC delegation finds deep wounds in South Ossetia, hears healing words in Moscow

The destruction of ethnic Georgian communities in South Ossetia, the deep wounds to local society and war damage to the capital city confronted a delegation from the World Council of Churches on the second half of a 3-7 September pastoral visit to Georgia and Russia. The findings added urgency to concerns raised by government and church officials during a stop in Moscow.

After a 4,000 km detour, ecumenical delegation to reach South Ossetia

A pastoral delegation sent by the World Council of Churches (WCC) to Georgia and Russia has not been able to visit South Ossetia from the Georgian side of the ceasefire line. Unable to make the half-hour drive to Tskhinvali from within Georgia, they are now traveling thousands of kilometers to reach the enclave from the Russian side instead.