Displaying 1 - 20 of 695

Pilgrimage to knowledge: visit to Egypt builds bridges

During a recent visit to Egypt with the aim of exploring both its interreligious and intercultural history, Prof. Angeliki Ziaka, World Council of Churches programme executive for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation, said that her visit to Cairo served as a gateway to deeper exploration of the city's rich heritage and the search for lasting bridges, enriched by Egypt's unique cultural and spiritual richness.

The 200 years of Protestantism in Brazil and its lessons for today

“As Brazil celebrates 200 years of Protestant presence, it is essential to reflect on the relationship between faith and daily life,” says Dr Lauri Emilio Wirth, a Lutheran researcher who has recently presented an article that explores the roots and social impact of Protestantism in Brazil, highlighting how it developed within a context of immigration, cultural resistance, and socioeconomic challenges. 

Peter Prove: Churches offer hope and solidarity as pursuit of peace is changing

At a conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of the National Council of Churches in Korea, Peter Prove, director of the World Council of Churches Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, offered remarks as part of a panel discussion on "The Role of the Global Ecumenical Community for A Permanent Peace Regime of the Korean Peninsula.”

La délégation œcuménique rencontre le Comité présidentiel suprême pour les affaires de l’Église en Palestine

Organisée en ligne le 8 août dans le cadre d’une visite pastorale de solidarité en Terre sainte, une réunion a rassemblé la délégation œcuménique et le Comité présidentiel suprême pour les affaires de l’Église en Palestine. Elle a porté sur la situation politique actuelle, l’urgence de mettre un terme à la guerre et au conflit qui menace de s’intensifier pour que la région puisse se concentrer sur les efforts d’instauration de la paix à long terme.