Displaying 1281 - 1300 of 1316

Together on the Way: 2.3. Metanoia

Wanda Deifelt, vice-rector and professor of systematic theology at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Sao Leopoldo, Brazil, and a member of the Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil, spoke about "metanoia" - "conversion" - naming the ways that Christians need to repent. Following her reflections selected delegates read, in different voices and in different languages, passages of scripture related to the "jubilee year" (Lev. 25:8-17, 39-43).


Seventh report of the Joint Working Group

The report results from seven years' work by a dedicated group drawn from the World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church. The character of the document is intentionally educational. The group believed that it would in this way best serve the interest of all who wish to know not only the Joint Working Group's agenda but the growing relationship of the WCC and the RCC within the broader perspective of the one ecumenical movement which the group has witnessed and in some measure assisted.

Joint Working Group

Séptima Relación: Grupo Mixto de Trabajo IC - CMI

Desde 1966 el GMT ha realizado seis Relaciones. En esta Séptima Relación da cuenta, a las respectivas organizaciones, de su trabajo desde la Asamblea del CMI en Canberra en 1991. Esta informe también busca poner al corriente acerca de la historia del GMT, y de las específicas estructuras de relación entre la IC y el CMI a los lectores que tal vez la desconocen. Una breve historia del GMT es ofrecida como Anexo A

Joint Working Group

A Treasure in Earthen Vessels: An Instrument for an Ecumenical Reflection on Hermeneutics

This text (Faith and Order Paper No. 182) explores the complex but often creative field of hermeneutics - the interpretation of texts, symbols, and rites - and its role in the search for visible church unity. It invites us to reflect on how we approach and evaluate one another's language and symbols, as a contribution to mutual understanding among Christians and churches.

Commission on Faith and Order