Displaying 1 - 20 of 112

Church and Peace calls on parliamentarians to rethink security in Europe

Church and Peace— the European ecumenical peace church network of communities, training centres, peace organisations, and peace service agencies—is calling on parliamentarians to rethink security, and work for a paradigm shift toward peace. Rev. Antje Heider-Rottwilm, chair of Church and Peace, offered an update on how the call is being received, and her hopes for the future.

WCC highlights urgency of ecotheology at conference in Sicily

The World Council of Churches (WCC) participated in the 7th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religion (EuARE), held in Palermo, Italy from 20-23 May. This year's conference focused on paradigm shifts in religions, drawing over 1,100 participants to discuss important ecological and theological issues.

Cycling for peace: Andreas has bicycled 847km - and “It’s becoming a trip full of gifts"

Andreas is currently in the midst of a Cycling for peace” initiative in which he is bicycling from Linz, Austria, to Hamburg, Germany—a distance of more than 1,000 kilometers! Part of the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel, Andreas is also part of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, which is helping to support his trip.

As he continues on his way, he took time to share some reflections.

Desde las cenizas de la guerra: la primera Asamblea del CMI en Europa – Ámsterdam 1948

Cuando los participantes en la Primera Asamblea del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) se reunieron en Ámsterdam en agosto de 1948, los Países Bajos atestiguaban la violencia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El puerto de Róterdam resurgía de la casi destrucción. Muchas otras ciudades, pueblos y aldeas de toda Europa estaban luchando por recuperarse. Al este, Alemania y Austria estaban divididas en zonas de ocupación dirigidas por las potencias aliadas. Dos meses antes, las tensiones entre la Unión Soviética y los ocupantes occidentales de la antigua capital alemana dieron lugar al inicio del puente aéreo de Berlín. Desde 1945, las publicaciones han ido incrementando el uso del término "Guerra Fría".

From the Ashes of War: The first WCC Assembly in Europe – Amsterdam 1948

As participants in the First Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) gathered at Amsterdam during August 1948, the Netherlands bore witness to the violence of the Second World War. The port of Rotterdam was rising from near destruction. Many other cities, towns and villages across Europe were struggling to recover. To the east, Germany and Austria were divided into zones of occupation administered by the Allied Powers. Two months earlier, tensions between the Soviet Union and the Western occupiers of the former German capital led to the start of the Berlin Airlift. Since 1945, publications had been increasing their use of the term “Cold War”.

Walk the Talk / Dalle parole ai fatti

Tabella di marcia per chiese e comunità per un’economia di vita e per la giustizia ecologica.

“Walk the Talk” si basa sulla pubblicazione del CEC intitolata “Roadmap for Congregations, Communities and Churches for an Economy of Life and Ecological Justice”.  La tabella di marcia è un’eredità del pastore Norman Tendis, scomparso nell’incidente dell’Ethiopian Airlines nel 2019. Tendis era consulente CEC per l’Economia della Vita e dal 2017 al 2019 è stato pastore della Chiesa evangelica luterana in Austria.

Norman, come si legge ancora nel documento, “si è impegnato a costruire un mondo più giusto, sostenibile, come una questione di fede. E credeva che fosse importante iniziare nei nostri cortili. Norman ha contribuito a stabilire ‘Rainbow Land’ – un giardino per rifugiati che circonda una parrocchia a Landskron, dove migranti e richiedenti asilo possono riconnettersi con la terra, promuovere amicizie tra loro e con i vicini e trarre dignità dal lavoro”. Dopo il “Piano d’azione per la giustizia ecologica”, arriva ora questo contributo.

WCC extends condolences, expresses concern over flood disaster in Europe

In a letter of solidarity to churches and all people throughout Germany, Belgium, Austria and the Netherlands, the moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee Dr Agnes Abuom and WCC acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca extended condolences and concern for those who lost loved ones during the severe flooding that struck the region in mid-July.

WCC letter of solidarity to churches in Austria, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands

In a letter of solidarity to churches and all people throughout Germany, Belgium, Austria and the Netherlands, the moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee Dr Agnes Abuon and the acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca extended condolences and concern for those who lost loved ones during the severe flooding that struck the region in mid-July.

General Secretary

1920 (4): Towards a Universal Conference of the Church of Christ on Life and Work

Hotel Beau-Séjour, Geneva, 8 August 1920. It’s been too cold an August, with average temperatures around 17.3 Celsius. Tomorrow is the opening day of a very promising post-war international consultation. Its title is “The Preliminary Meeting to Consider an Ecumenical Conference of the Church of Christ on Life and work.” However, I can tell you that a Church of Scotland delegate, J.-A. MacClymont, will certainly object to this awkward use of the word “ecumenical.”

Conflitos assolam Moçambique há décadas, mas as igrejas estão sempre presentes

O povo de Moçambique enfrenta constantes conflitos há séculos, desde os tempos do domínio colonial português e a guerra civil que o seguiu (que só terminou neste século), e agora com o Daesh e, ao mesmo tempo, o inimigo invisível do COVID-19. Não é de se espantar, portanto, que as igrejas do país tenham sempre tido muitíssimo a fazer como pacificadoras locais.

Gemeinsame interreligiöse Erklärung zum 75. Jahrestag der Atombombenabwürfe von Hiroshima und Nagasaki

Als umfassende Vereinigung von Glaubensgemeinschaften aus der ganzen Welt haben wir uns verpflichtet, mit einer Stimme zu sprechen, die die existenzielle Bedrohung der Menschheit durch Atomwaffen ablehnt. Wir bekräftigen erneut, dass das Vorhandensein auch nur einer einzigen Atomwaffe gegen die grundlegenden Prinzipien unserer verschiedenen Glaubenstraditionen verstößt und alles, was uns lieb und teuer ist, durch unvorstellbare Zerstörung bedroht.

Ecumenical movement

Joint Interfaith Statement on the 75th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

As a wide coalition of faith-based communities from around the world, we have committed to speaking
with one voice that rejects the existential threat to humanity that nuclear weapons pose. We reaffirm that the presence of even one nuclear weapon violates the core principles of our different faith traditions and threatens the unimaginable destruction of everything we hold dear.

Ecumenical movement