Displaying 161 - 180 of 211


Legacy and Future

A Jubilee Volume—
The approaching 500th anniversary of the beginning of the European Reformation occasions this feast of historical, theological and even pastoral insights.

Peace in Christian Thought and Life

Through insightful introductions and judicious editing of 60 selections, Christopher Dorn’s Peace in Christian Thought and Life captures the great sweep and wide divergences in the two-millennium argument of Christians among themselves over peace, war, violence, and the imperatives of the gospel.

Christ & Capital

The debate about justice and equity in global economic arrangements has preoccupied ecumenical Christianity for a century. It has been given new impetus and urgency by the global financial crisis, by widening disparities of income and wealth, and by a looming climate crisis fuelled by ever expanding consumer-driven economies.

Together towards Life

Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes - with a Practical Guide

An excellent tool for Christians everywhere to think freshly about Christian mission, "Together towards Life" presents the new ecumenical mission affirmation, the first in a generation, in full, along with a complete guide and a host of other study materials.

Palestinian Prisoners

The plight of more than 5000 Palestinian prisoners— the conditions of their arrest, detention, and care— continues to draw international attention and condemnation. This brief resource volume provides
a responsible, factual overview of their situation and prospects, supplemented by the specific stories of individual prisoners and their families.

This I Trust

Basic Words of Christian Belief
Wolfgang Huber

For those who struggle with the meaning of faith and Christian discipleship in their personal, familial, and political lives, Wolfgang Huber's brief volume offers deep assurance and steep challenge.

The Churches in International Affairs. Reports, 2010-2013.

The voices of the churches in the international arena— Ranging across the globe, this vital compendium of documents covers an astonishing array of engagement by Christian churches through the World Council of Churches and its Commission of the Churches in International Affairs: war and peace, regional and national conflicts, disarmament and nuclear weapons, violence against women, economic justice, climate justice, freedom of religion, religious intolerance, ethnic and indigenous people’s struggles—the list goes on.

Reflecting the fundamental Christian responsibility to respond to political realities, the CCIA has since 1946 been the chief instrument of the ecumenical movement’s international voice and advocacy.

In the years 2010-2013, the CCIA addressed an enormous number of emerging issues while giving particular attention to the politicization of religion, the rights of religious minorities, the framework of just peace, migrant workers and stateless persons, and various conflict-affected areas to accompany people suffering and struggling for peace with justice, human rights, and human dignity.

The Churches in International Affairs Reports, 2007-2009.

The voices of the churches in the international arena— Ranging across the globe, this vital compendium of documents covers an astonishing array of engagement by Christian churches through the World Council of Churches and its Commission of the Churches in International Affairs: war and peace, regional and national conflicts, disarmament and nuclear weapons, violence against women, economic justice, climate justice, freedom of religion, religious intolerance, ethnic and indigenous people’s struggles—the list goes on.

Reflecting the fundamental Christian responsibility to respond to political realities, the CCIA has since 1946 been the chief instrument of the ecumenical movement’s international voice and advocacy.

In the years 2007-2009, an expanded CCIA not only addressed a host of emerging issues and situations. It also undertook new initiatives in the Middle East, began drafting a Just Peace Declaration, and pursued the WCC’s Decade to Overcome Violence.

Sources of Authority, Volume 1

The Early Church. Faith and Order Papers 217

Living and witnessing to their faith in the first centuries after the New Testament, the men and women of the early church—theologians and bishops, ascetics and martyrs—have exerted a profound influence and authority in the subsequent theological and ecclesial periods and traditions.

Giver of Life, Hear Our Cries!

Stories of desperation and hope. Assuming the voices of African women, Jessie Fubara-Manual introduces us to the concrete realities of their lives in vivid description, insightful analysis, and abiding hope. Through her, we come to know their joys and pains and the systemic evils that they daily battle.

Peace-ing Together Jerusalem

Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem!—

The symbolic axis of the world, the birthplace of great religious traditions, the ancient site and contemporary center of mighty contention, Jerusalem evokes fascination, devotion, and deep pain. Clare Amos’s lifelong engagement with the city, its people, and its history yields this loving yet insightful view of the city’s dynamic identity.

Liberation and Reconciliation

A bridge of healing across historic divisions—

In this bracing work, theologian Meehyun Chung plots the emergence, development and special issues of Korean feminist theology against the complex historical and religious context of her nation. With a strong moral voice grounded in biblical, religious and cultural analysis, she demonstrates the pertinence of feminist contextual theological insights to the decades-long divisions in Korea but also to a critical understanding of power, spirituality and social justice in the whole oikoumene.

A Peaceable Economy

Rethinking the foundational elements in economics-

Edward Dommen has taken up the challenge and breaks fresh ground. His shrewd critique of conventional economics is supported by a penetrating use of biblical and Reformation teachings, and he convincingly shows that another world can be made - is - possible." --Gilbert Rist, author of The Delusions of Economics

Being Open, Being Faithful

The Journey of Interreligious Dialogue
Douglas Pratt

What does Christian identity mean in the face of religious pluralism? In some ways the frontier of global Christianity lies not in repairing its past divisions so much as bravely facing its future in a world of many other faiths and conflicting convictions. Douglas Pratt’s new work is a brief history, astute analysis, and trustworthy guide for Christian encounter in this pluralistic environment.

Ripples in the Water

This compilation of stories depicts the challenges
and successes of various struggles for water justice by member churches and organizations of the Ecumenical Water Network. AVAILABLE MARCH 2015

Encountering the God of Life

"God of life, lead us to justice and peace”
Under this theme, the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches drew 3500 registrants and thousands of other visitors from 100 countries to Busan, Republic of Korea, in late 2013. This indispensable volume not only records the essential business and actions of the assembly. It also captures something of the intellectual and religious energy of the assembly’s key presentations, discussions, and statements.

Building Peace on Earth: Report of the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation

The International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC), organized by the World Council of Churches in May 2011, brought together more than one thousand participants from more than 100 countries around the world. This historic gathering encouraged individuals and churches to renew their commitment to nonviolence and peace with justice and gave impetus for the wider ecumenical family and its related constituencies to pursue their search for peace.

Ecumenical Dynamic: Living more than one place at once

Ranging across a century of active Christian engagement, historical theologian Keith Clements finds in the ecumenical movement a radical openness that has served to enliven, sustain, and renew Christianity through tumultuous times. Indeed, in the itch to encounter and learn from others very different from ourselves, to "live in more than one place at once," Clements identifies a core element in ecumenical Christian spirituality that is perhaps more relevant today than ever before.

Ecumenical Visions for the 21st Century

A Reader for Theological Education

In an era in which life itself is imperilled, Christians around the world are challenged to authentic witness to the God of life and to justice and peace. Ecumenical Visions, prepared as a core resource for theological education and reflection in advance of the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, equips Christians to discern and develop relevant and responsible insights in many arenas of Christian engagement.