Displaying 61 - 80 of 211

When He Saw the Crowds - Bible Studies

When He Saw the Crowds - Bible Studies 

Und da er das Volk sah - Bibelstudien 

Voyant les foules - Études bibliques 

Al ver las multitudes - Estudios bíblicos

The plenary Bible studies are an important aspect of the work of the assembly. They give participants an opportunity to meet daily around a Bible passage to reflect on the theme and the experience of the assembly. Participants can discern together God’s purposes for themselves and the ecumenical movement. They meet in groups which are small enough to allow everyone to contribute and large enough to give a range of perspectives. The Bible study sessions provide an opportunity for participants to explore the assembly theme together in the light of the biblical texts, knowledge, and experience. To be involved in group Bible study is to be open to one another, to the Bible passage and to the Holy Spirit. It is not to win an argument or to persuade others to a particular point of view. These sessions should be a place where the participants can integrate all they have heard and done in the assembly and discover together the possibilities of transformation that God offers us.

Conversations on the Pilgrim Way

Invitation to Journey Together on Matters of Human Sexuality

This document was received at the meeting of the central committee held from 9-15 February 2022 by video conference.

The Report of the Programme Committee underlined in the introduction that this is a resource document for those member churches that are interested in deepening the discussion. It was requested by member churches for information and guidance. While it remains clear that human sexuality is a sensitive topic and that some churches may have objections to even discussing this topic, the Busan Assembly stated that controversial themes, like human sexuality, should have a safe space for conversation.

The programme committee, while aware that human sexuality could be a divisive topic in churches and in our fellowship, underlined the importance of ecumenical dialogue in a safe space on topics that could be divisive and welcomed the invitation in this document to journey together in ethical dilemmas.

Ecumenical Youth Gathering Songbook

This collection of songs will be used during morning and evening prayers at the Ecumenical Youth Gathering to be held on 27-30 August before the World Council of Churches (WCC) 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany, which aims to bring together around 400 young people from various churches and ecumenical partners to discuss a common message. The event is designed to provide an opportunity for young people to participate in intergenerational dialogue and develop a more inclusive agenda for the movement.

Oasis of Peace

Spiritual Life Resources

Oase des Friedens: Gottesdienstbuch

Oasis de paix: Ressources pour la vie spirituelle

Oasis de Paz: Recursos para la vida espiritual

This multilingual volume of spiritual life resources is meant to inspire the collective prayer and praise of participants at the WCC’s 11th Assembly, taking place in Karlsruhe, Germany, from 31 August to 8 September 2022, where Christians from around the world, the whole oikoumene, are uniting to rejoice in the love of God in Christ.

Resource Book

World Council of Churches 11th Assembly, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2022

This assembly Resource Book, a documentary collection published in four separate language editions, is meant to orient assembly delegates and participants to the assembly process, convey documents and reports upon which the assembly will act, and also link participants to a variety of important background documents about the many substantive matters that will engage the gathered fellowship there.

To that end, the Resource Book will function as a ready documentary reference and resource for assembly delegates as well as other participants.

Ecumenical International Youth Day 2022 Event Toolkit

Indigenous Youth and Land Rights Activism

The theme for the fourth International Youth Day commemoration and toolkit, Indigenous Peoples and Land Rights Activism, arose out of several recommendations from young people within and outside WCC networks as one of the pressing issues that young people would like to explore.

This toolkit provides background information, resources and guidelines for advocacy by young people.

The WCC programmes on Youth Engagement in the Ecumenical Movement and the Ecumenical Indigenous Peoples (IP) Network, through its IP Youth network, have collaborated on this year’s focus.

GETI 2022: Christ’s Love (Re)Moves Borders

An Ecumenical Reader

GETI 2022 at the 11th WCC Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany, is the third instalment in the succession of WCC Global Ecumenical Theological Institutes (GETIs) under the auspices of the Ecumenical Theological Education (ETE) programme.
Christ’s Love (Re)moves Borders: An Ecumenical Reader as the study guide for GETI2022 brings together scripture, theology, and social science into a single compilation to facilitate intercultural academic study, ecumenical learning and sharing. Derived from the WCC 11th Assembly theme, “Christ’s Love Moves the World to Reconciliation and Unity”, the GETI2022 theme locates love and reconciliation at the heart of the gospel.

GETI brings together young and emerging ecumenical theologians and educators from a broad spectrum of Christian traditions and all eight regions of the WCC to engage with one another on current critical theological themes. The GETI2022 Reader is a key resource compilation to enable participants to: • Strengthen knowledge of current local and global ecumenical themes. • Engage with past, present and future issues in ecumenical discourse. • Utilize interdisciplinary approaches for ecumenical studies. • Express a theologically informed and contextually grounded ecumenical theology. • Seek constructive solutions for challenges in changing religious and societal landscapes.

Her-Stories of Transformation, Justice, and Peace PJP Series

Report on the Women of Faith Pilgrimages

This publication is the report of the Women of Faith Pilgrim Team Visits for Justice and Peace carried out between August 2017 and July 2020 as part of the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. This pilgrimage report allows church women worldwide to draw inspiration and strength from the spiritualities of resistance, biblical reflections, and successful struggles of women against violence and injustice and to feel empowered to become agents of transformation and hope in their own contexts.

Called to Transformation - Ecumenical Diakonia

A joint publication of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and ACT Alliance, this study document aims to clarify the understanding of ecumenical diakonia and to provide a common platform for acting and reflecting together for the churches and ecumenical partners worldwide. 

The major publication outlines the theological components of diakonia and offers practical content for those engaged in the service of diakonia. The study document is intended to be used for formation and training in ecumenical diakonia, to strengthen the institutional capacity of those involved in diakonia, and to foster dialogue and cooperation between churches, ecumenical partners, ACT Alliance and the WCC.

Transformative Spiritualities for the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. PJP Series 2

The Churches of the World Council of Churches have been on a “Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace”—together with people of goodwill—since they met for their assembly in Busan in 2013. Building peace with justice has been at the heart of the ecumenical movement since its beginnings. It reflects the call of the churches in a wounded world caused by systemic injustice—racism, sexism, xenophobia, economic exploitation, and violence among humans and against nature, our “Mother”. While political advocacy, theological reflections, and ethical orientation have been high on the agenda of the World Council of Churches, the spiritual dimension of a “just peace” has not always received the same attention.

Starting a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, the WCC began to focus intentionally on “transformative spiritualities” in order to (re-)discover the strength of the many and diverse faith communities around the globe. What is the well of that distinct power to resist evil with good, to transform injustices into a life of dignity for all, to heal broken relations – including Mother nature? And what are some of the spiritual practices that inspire communities on that “sacred walk”?

This volume provides a selection of reflections on those transformative spiritualities, from Indigenous perspectives to women’s voices, from Black communities´ to campesino/as´ struggles, from specific Christian traditions to sister faiths. It is that common well we all drink from—inviting readers to participate in that promise that a life in peace and justice is, in fact, possible for all.

Celebrate Christ’s Love!

Sing and Pray

Celebrate Christ’s Love! Sing and Pray

Feiern Wir Die Liebe Christi! Singen und Beten

Célébrons L’amour Du Christ! Chante et Prie

¡Celebremos El Amor De Cristo! Canto y Oración

In four languages, a newly released publication developed by the assembly’s worship planning group, Celebrate Christ’s Love!, expands the opportunity to prepare spiritually for the assembly.

This publication contains some of the components of the final spiritual-life resource that will be used at the assembly. It invites assembly participants and the wider fellowship to celebrate the love of God that we find in Christ through prayer, song, and reflecting on Jesus’ preaching and healing as portrayed in the Gospels.

I Belong Volume 2

Biblical Reflections on Statelessness

This second publication of biblical reflections on statelessness presents new perspectives, including indigenous voices and reflections on the meaning of land. These texts can be valuable tools for discussion and reflection during Bible studies in congregations and communities around the world.


Peace, Nature, Poverty, Terrorism, Values (Religious Perspectives)
Archbishop Dr Anastasios

First published as Συνύπαρξη, this collection of reflections suggests that coexistence has been an essential component of the life of humanity, however, it is frequently undermined and even poisoned. 

The book shows how violence has taken new uncontrollable forms which culminate in polymorphous terrorism. Human aggression expands to exploitation and even to the contempt of creation, with painful consequences for both the natural environment and for human life itself.

The author views, through a theological and religious point of view, peace in ecumenical dimensions as well as in a specific country; the human being and the environment; poverty; terrorism; and universal moral values.

Συνύπαρξη was awarded the 2016 Free Thought Essay Award in memory of Panagiotis Foteas in Greece. It has been published in Greek, Italian, and Albanian, is awaiting publication in French by Apostolia Publishing House, and the German translation will follow soon.

Pilgrims on the Path of Peace

The Journey of the WCC from Busan to Karlsruhe (Unillustrated)

For each assembly, the central committee submits an accountability report, describing and offering an assessment of the activities of the WCC between the assemblies; in this case, since the 10th Assembly, in Busan, Republic of Korea, in late 2013.

The report “Pilgrims on the Path of Peace – The Journey of the WCC from Busan to Karlsruhe,” is now available online for WCC member churches, ecumenical partners, and other global pilgrims. The WCC central committee received the report in February.

Common Threads

Key Themes from Responses to The Church: Towards a Common Vision. Faith and Order Paper No 233

Churches now agree more than they disagree on many characteristics of the Church and its faith, mission, and life: the responses to the convergence statement The Church: Towards a Common Vision make this clear. Within this growth in agreement, key themes come to the fore, calling for greater understanding, study, and common conversation: visible unity, communion, mission, the role of the people of God in ministry and decision-making, sin and the church, and more. 
This volume presents essays on sixteen of these key themes. Each essay was written by a member of the subgroup of the WCC Commission on Faith and Order that focused on reading and analyzing the responses. The essays were then discussed by the group and revised in light of the discussions. Some of the themes have been prominent since the 1982 convergence statement Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry. Others have emerged more recently. 

Together with the report What are the Churches Saying about the Church?, the essays illuminate the many ways in which the vision of unity has inspired and changed the churches, as well as critical areas where future work is needed.

Contemporary Ecotheology, Climate Justice and Environmental Stewardship in World Religions

Ecothee Volume 6th-Orthodox Academy of Crete Publication

The 6th International Conference on Ecotheology and Environmental Ethics – Ecothee-19 – took place in September 2019 and brought together 40 academics, church leaders and activists from different parts of the world. 

This book, published by Embla Akademisk, consists of articles developed in the aftermath of the conference. 

This book is intended as a scientific anthology showing the diversity of ecotheology found in various religious traditions. 

It is divided into three main sections: Theological and philosophical reflection, Ethics and best practices and global contributions. We are convinced that the book and its contributions will help to provide a deeper insight into the diversity that exists within global ecotheology.

Let the Waves Roar

Perspectives of Young Prophetic Voices in the Ecumenical Movement

Consultations with young people, participants in WCC events between the 10th and the 11th assemblies, and a number of church leaders have concluded that there is a need to provide an updated resource to get to know young people of today and to explore ways for the church to effectively engage the 18–30-year-old age group in the ecumenical movement.

The 17 young people whose voices are heard in these pages represent eight regions and diverse church traditions. Another three chapters have been contributed by the editors and former WCC youth department staff. The book invites all generations to discern the signs of our times and to be proactive in our response to them.

The Africa We Pray For on a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. PJP Series 1

This first publication in the WCC and Globethics.net series on the WCC pilgrimage of justice and peace brings together the voices of 12 young people sharing their vision for Africa.

The collection features work selected during an essay competition for young people which was held in a collaboration of the All Africa Conference of Churches and the WCC. The publication covers important thematic areas for African society, including truth, trauma, displacement, gender justice and racial justice, among others. 

Killer Robots

A Campaign Guide for Churches
Jennifer Philpot-Nissen

Campaign guide for churches concerned about autonomous weapons systems, also known as “killer robots".

The guide is designed to introduce churches to the issue of killer robots, and help raise awareness of the need for Christians to act to ensure decision-makers agree on a pre-emptive ban on the future development of such weapons.

ZacTax Toolkit

The Zacchaeus Tax Campaign calls for a global tax and economic system that acts like Zacchaeus, the tax collector who repented of his wicked ways, which delivers equity and makes reparation for exploitation and injustice.

This ZacTax Toolkit aims to educate and enable churches to organise around the issue of tax justice, the campaign has recently released the ZacTax Toolkit. It is published by the New International Financial and Economic Architecture initiative (NIFEA), a joint effort by the Council for World Mission, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Council of Churches, and World Methodist Council. Funding is provided by Otto per Mille.