After the recent suppression of the People’s Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia, water justice groups—among them the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Water Network—have emerged stronger than ever, offering a key platform for the voices of civil society to be heard.
The Toraja Church commemorated its 77th anniversary with thanksgiving prayers and a river festival at the riverbank of the Sa'dan River, under the theme: "The River of Life Flows" (Rev.22:1).
During a regional training programme, the World Council of Churches and Christian Conference of Asia highlighted the importance of collaborating and truly listening to needs on the ground.
The World Council of Churches (WCC) and Christian Conference of Asia hosted a regional training program, “Ecumenical Diakonia and Sustainable Development,” in Medan, Indonesia, from 29 April to 2 May.
The Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) has issued a statement unequivocally condemning torture against civilians in Papua, following the emergence of videos which appear to show the violent mistreatment of indigenous Papuans by members of Indonesian armed forces.
World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay returned to Geneva from Indonesia with expressions of gratitude to the churches and communities who hosted him.
As the World Council of Churches Commission on Faith and Order convened in North Sulawesi, Indonesia from 1-8 February, the gathering was underscored with hope at the heart of a Christian message to the world.
Speaking to the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on Faith and Order during the commission’s historic meeting in Indonesia, WCC general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay expressed gratitude for the commission’s work, and hope for the ecumenical journey in 2025.
Speaking before religious leaders, pastors, and students in Indonesia, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay reflected on “The Kingdom of God and the Role of the Pastor Today.”
As World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay began his visit to Indonesia, he greeted church leaders and communities with warm words.
World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay will visit Indonesia, where he will speak at the Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia (Communion of Churches in Indonesia) annual meeting, as well as visit member churches and government leaders.
During a consultation entitled “Papuan People Speak Up,” held 10-12 December, director of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission of the Churches on International Affairs Peter Prove offered a message celebrating this show of unity in a time of division.
At a Peace Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, hosted by the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) and the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI), Peter Prove, director of the World Council of Churches Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, participated as a panel speaker during a session on ““Global Challenges and Perspective for Interfaith Action” on 21 November.
World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay extended greetings to the 2nd Annual Synod Assembly of the Evangelical Christian Church in Halmahera.
We call it Marafenfen,a small village in the South Aru Island. A small village inhabited by Indigenous people in Aru. We are also a small congregation in The Protestant Church in the Moluccas (GPM). In the midst of savannah we hunted, in the vastness of our land we cultivated. We live in harmony with the nature given by God.
Human Rights Monitor, a human rights organisation focusing on West Papua, Indonesia, has just released a report titled "Destroy Them First, Discuss Human Rights Later: An investigation of Indonesian Security Forces’ operations in Kiwirok under International Law.”
The World Council of Churches (WCC) will be represented at the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) World Assembly on 2-10 August in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Church leaders in Papua, in a position statement directed toward government officials, said “the current situation is a human tragedy,” expressed grave concern about extrajudicial killings and other violence, and called for immediate measures for a sustainable peace.
A panel session on “Integrity Leadership: Towards Mutual Accountability and Transparency” was held 2 May as part of the Christian Conference of Asia’s Asian Church and Ecumenical Leaders’ Conference.