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WCC Gender Justice Reference Group meets in Zimbabwe

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Gender Justice Reference Group met in Harare, Zimbabwe from 7-12 December, marking its first in-person gathering. Hosted by the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, the meeting brought together church leaders, theologians, and gender justice advocates to reflect on the critical importance of gender justice in the life and mission of the church.

WCC Gender Justice Reference Group to convene in Zimbabwe

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Gender Justice Reference Group will convene in Harare, Zimbabwe from 7-12 December. The group, meeting face-to-face for the first time, was created to dismantle gender inequalities and promote justice and reconciliation.

Taking Action Against Tech-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence

Toolkit for Trainers and Advocates

Copublication of WACC and WCC.

The Toolkit equips trainers and advocates to plan and facilitate training sessions on monitoring misogyny on social media.

Taking Action Against Tech-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence outlines key concepts, with practical exercises, to raise participants’ awareness of gender cyberviolence. It presents the tools needed to conduct social media monitoring, report on the results, and plan further monitoring.

The toolkit is divided into five sections that facilitators can use to structure training sessions:

  • Today’s media landscape
  • Impact of tech-facilitated gender-based violence
  • Methodology of social media monitoring
  • Social media monitoring in practice
  • Action plan for participants

WCC, KAICIID explore areas of cooperation

A delegation from the KAICIID Dialogue Centre – based in Lisbon – visited the World Council of Churches (WCC) on 22 October to explore areas of common interest and possible cooperation, with a particular focus on issues in the European region.

In Lithuania, university students build culture of peace through Thursdays in Black

Thursdays in Black Trailblazers are individuals, churches, schools and universities, networks and grassroot groups who have made a real impact in raising community awareness about gender-based violence and transforming attitudes and practices to prevent rape and abuse. LCC International University in Lithuania is one example of efforts to break a culture of silence, help survivors move towards healing, and work towards preventing abuse and violence.