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United Church of Canada trailblazer Rev. Dr Lois Wilson dies, age 97

With great sadness, the United Church of Canada announced the death of Rev. Dr Lois M. Wilson, the denomination’s 28th  moderator, and the first woman to fill the role. She faithfully served as moderator from 1980 to 1982. Wilson died in hospital in Fredericton, NB, on 13 September. She was 97 years old.

In pictures: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Prayers for unity took on a different look and feel this year, but they weren’t stopped by widespread restrictions on face-to-face gatherings. From prayer cards to personal reflections, online gatherings to new connections, the images worldwide convey the spiritual richness of an ecumenical family that came together in prayer.

Christians around the world pray for unity

Challenged by Christians from Brazil to strive for greater respect for religious and cultural diversity, churches are reflecting together on the gospel of John as they celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Churches commemorate Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has been globally celebrated this year with prayers, reflections, ecumenical services and events focusing on Paul’s question in Corinthians 1 “Has Christ been divided?” a theme for this year’s prayer materials, prepared by the Canadian churches.