When Pastors Prey: Overcoming Clergy Sexual Abuse of Women

When Pastors Prey: Overcoming Clergy Sexual Abuse of Women

Edited by:
Valli Boobal Batchelor

While clergy abuse of children has received worldwide attention from media and legal authorities, little has been written about the more widespread and devastating phenomenon of clergy abuse of adult women. This prophetic project breaks the silence and gathers the resources to address a problem that undermines the very foundations of pastoral work and institutional Christianity.

When Pastors Prey not only brings forward the stories of many women whose trust has been abused by their pastors. It also offers a helpful framework in which to understand and address the problem.

Ultimately, clergy sexual abuse of women is but the most horrific expression of longstanding Christian misunderstanding and mistreatment of women.  This volume illuminates not only the phenomenon but its roots andin brave hopeits cures.

Specs: 220 pp.; 6 x 9”; paper; perfect bound; 4-colour cover
Price: CHF19.00; £12.00; $18.00
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1566-5
Topic/Shelving: Pastoral Care
Rights: World, all languages

A copublication of the World Student Christian Federation and World Council of Churches Publications.

Click here to download the table of contents, preface and introduction (pdf)


Addressing the shame of the churches

“Christian community and witness hinge hugely on the personal integrity and witness of professionals in ministry. Yet that bond is severed by sexual exploitation and abuse, a phenomenon sadly present in Christian churches around the world. When Pastors Prey, focused particularly on abuse of women, can be a vital resource for understanding and addressing a problem that undermines the Gospel itself.”

Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches

“The International Association of Women Judges is delighted to see this book—drawing attention to a serious problem which has been neglected for far too long—and welcomes the contribution it makes to the IAWJ's aim of increasing knowledge and understanding of what we call 'sextortion'—demanding sexual favours as the price of favourable treatment by those in authority generally.”

Lady Brenda Hale, President of the International Association of Women Judges

Dr. Valli Batchelor is an educator, an intercultural artist and an advocate for gender justice and peace. She cofounded Journey Towards Hope Projects, and she has offered lectures and workshops around the world on issues of gender justice, clergy sexual abuse, and international finance.