The Story of Bossey : A Laboratory for Ecumenical Life

The Story of Bossey

A Laboratory for Ecumenical Life
Hans-Ruedi Weber
Robert K. Welsh

A short history of the premier institute for ecumenical studies, fully updated for Bossey’s 70th anniversary. Updated Edition.

Lodged in an 18th-century château overlooking Lac Léman and the Alps, the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, Switzerland, is the premier site for ecumenical encounter and study.

Begun even before the inauguration of the World Council of Churches, during 70 years Bossey has drawn thousands of women and men from all over the world and every Christian confession and culture for seminars, conferences, and, since 1952, for its graduate school of ecumenical studies.  Its communal life and learning have changed the lives of many people and made it a true laboratory for new forms of ecumenical life.

This brief yet lively history of Bossey, penned by Hans-Ruedi Weber and updated by Robert K. Welsh, delves into the roots and evolution of Bossey and its programmes,  its place in the whole ecumenical movement,  and the people who have invested creative energy into its growth and flourishing.  The Story of Bossey reveals not only a life-changing venue for Christian encounter but a lens on the rapidly changing landscape of the larger church, the ecumenical movement, and indeed the world.

168 pages; paper; perfect binding; 4-colour cover
Price: 19 CHF; £11.00; €13.00; $19.00
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1685-3
Shelving/Topics: Christianity / Ecumenism
Rights: World, all languages

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A short history of the premier institute for ecumenical studies, fully updated for Bossey’s 70th anniversary

Hans-Ruedi Weber, a Swiss Reformed theologian, himself an alumnus of Bossey, served for many years as laity director in the WCC and then associate director of the Ecumenical Institute Bossey. He is the author of numerous works in biblical studies and spirituality, including Experiments with Bible Study and The Book That Reads Me.

Robert K. Welsh was a Graduate School student in Bossey in 1969-1970, His association continued as a staff member for WCC’s Faith and Order Commission, and later as a member and long-time moderator of the Bossey Board, while serving as ecumenical officer for his church, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the USA.