The Ecumenical Movement
Specs: 530 pages, 8 x 10”, paper, perfect bound, 4-colour cover
Topic: Ecumenism / Christianity
ISBN 978-2-8254-1665-5
Price: CHF 50.00; £30.00; €30.00; $50.00;
Rights: World, all languages
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The nearly 150 documents in this anthology virtually embody “the ecumenical century” and are here presented in a definitive collection for both classroom and reference.
Combatting Racism
Renouncing War and Violence
Overcoming Poverty
Protecting the Environment
- The Ecumenical Vision: Toward an Integration of Unity, Mission, Justice, and Renewal
- The Unity of the Church: Toward a Common Definition
- Agreement on Issues That Divide the Church: Toward Fuller Communion in Christ
- Ecumenical Social Thought: Toward Solidarity in Humanity’s Struggles
- Mission and Evangelism: Toward Common Witness throughout the Earth
- Dialogue with People of Other Faiths: Toward Better Understanding of Our Neighbors
- Learning and Prayer: Toward a Community of Formation and Spirituality
- Councils of Churches: Toward an Understanding of Their Nature and Purpose
- Challenges Ahead: Toward an Ecumenical Future
This enlarged second edition includes some fifty new texts, many of them produced since the first edition of 1997. Classic documents from the movement’s earlier decades have been retained, but many short excerpts have been removed in favor of fewer – but fuller – texts.
Michael Kinnamon is a widely respected theologian with deep and longstanding involvement in global ecumenism. Formerly on the staff of Faith and Order in the WCC, he also served as Miller Professor of Mission and Peace at Eden Seminary and as general secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. He has recently retired from a three-year appointment as Spehar-Halligan Visiting Professor of Ecumenical Collaboration in Interreligious Dialogue at Seattle University.