The Churches in International Affairs Reports, 2007-2009.

The Churches in International Affairs Reports, 2007-2009.

The voices of the churches in the international arena— Ranging across the globe, this vital compendium of documents covers an astonishing array of engagement by Christian churches through the World Council of Churches and its Commission of the Churches in International Affairs: war and peace, regional and national conflicts, disarmament and nuclear weapons, violence against women, economic justice, climate justice, freedom of religion, religious intolerance, ethnic and indigenous people’s struggles—the list goes on.

Reflecting the fundamental Christian responsibility to respond to political realities, the CCIA has since 1946 been the chief instrument of the ecumenical movement’s international voice and advocacy.

In the years 2007-2009, an expanded CCIA not only addressed a host of emerging issues and situations. It also undertook new initiatives in the Middle East, began drafting a Just Peace Declaration, and pursued the WCC’s Decade to Overcome Violence.

Specs: 550,  6 x 9”; paper; perfect bound, 4-colour cover
Topic: Global Affairs / World Christianity 
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1651-8

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