Reading the Gospels with the Early Church: A Guide
Specs: 64 pages; 5.5 x 8.0”; paper; perfect
Topic/Shelving: Christian Spirituality / Bible
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1585-6
Price: $20.00 GBP 15.75 € 18.50 17.50 CHF
Rights: World, all language
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“New refreshing insights on our understanding of the gospel in the 21st century from our ancient past—this is the surprising impact of what is captured in this small book in which the thoughts of early church figures are brought alive in a new way.”
—Setri Nyomi,World Communion of Reformed Churches, General Secretary
“Ask your fathers and they will tell you (Deut. 32:7). As an Asian Christian I welcome this initiative of a choral reading of the scripture supported by our common ancestors in faith. Going back to them we come closer to the source in their freshness and dynamic vitality. Their reading of the scripture is permeated by a deep sense of mystery, a delicate intuition of the divine together with a remarkable richness of human wisdom and a strong desire to discover the harmony between the word of God written in the Bible and the ‘seeds of the word’ scattered throughout history in the whole world.”
—Sister Maria Ko, Roman Catholic member of the Faith and Order Commission
“Can we learn anything from early interpreters of the scriptures? This guide book illustrates how contemporary readers may be both enlightened and enriched by the insights of early teachers whose search for eternal truth urges us on in the continuing quest.”
— Neville Callam, Baptist World Alliance, General Secretary
Tamara Grdzelidze (Orthodox Church of Georgia), was a Programme Executive within the Faith and Order Secretariat of the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland. She holds a D.Phil. from the University of Oxford and a doctorate in Medieval Georgian Literature from the Tbilisi State University, as well as a doctorate honoris causa from Faculty of Theology of the University of Bern, Switzerland. She presently serves as Georgia’s ambassador to the Holy See.