Peace-ing Together Jerusalem
Clare Amos
Visions & Voices series
Specs: 128 pp.; 5 x 7”; paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
Topic/Shelving: World Religions / Peace
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1636-5
Price: CHF 7.00; £5.00; €5.00; $7.00; February 2014
Order:,,, and at local bookstores and online booksellers.
Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem!—
The symbolic axis of the world, the birthplace of great religious traditions, the ancient site and contemporary center of mighty contention, Jerusalem evokes fascination, devotion, and deep pain. Clare Amos’s lifelong engagement with the city, its people, and its history yields this loving yet insightful view of the city’s dynamic identity. Its biblical and historical roots, its complex symbolic and literary meaning for Jews and Christians and Muslims, and its present-day tensions are composed by her into a complex mosaic that may yet, in some lights, yield a vision of the heavenly city.
Clare Amos, Programme Executive for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation, World Council of Churches, recently was awarded the Lambeth Doctorate in Divinity for her work in ecumenical and interreligious encounter.